Chapter 36- Invitation.

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2 Years Later.

" Sophia, finish this map work before lunch" I pointed at the stack of files at the end of my five meter long white desk without looking up from the newest design line for one of my clients.

" But lunch is after fifteen minuets.." She stopped when I looked at her. I took my reading glasses off and waited for her to take the files and get out. Her cheeks turned red before she nodded her head and hurried out with the files with my eyes burned into her back.

I shook my head and continued reading. The company was mine, since the day my aunt Rachel died. I came back from the tour and straight to work where I had few days with her assistant to learn how to run the place. Another girl named Lisa was send to the boys and finished touring with them, keeping my line.

" Your mother is on line two" I heard through the little machine next to my computer screen. I looked at the phone and picked up the tool.

" Not really interested" I hang up and took a sip of my tea. I saw through the big glass wall that my assistant was looking at me rather shocked. If she knew that my mother was asking me for money for the hundredth time to buy drugs and alcohol she wouldn't bother to let her jaw hang down like that.

I pressed on the button and saw Sophia jumped in her seat on the other side of the glass. " Remind me at four to talk to the office designer...I need a wall"

And maybe a new assistant I thought as I turned around in the chair and looked out of the big window. I had a beautiful view over London but somehow I wasn't really enjoying it. It was the most wonderful time of the year but I wasn't so excited for Christmas and new years eve when my plans were working so I didn't have to sit alone infront of the fireplace and drink red wine while other people enjoyed the holidays with their family. I played with a golden pen in between my fingers as I wandered off in my own thoughts.

I woke up by the sound of my annoying alarm. Soon as I opened my eyes I started crying. I cried until I had no tears left and that I had been doing past days. I missed him. I missed him so badly and I missed my aunt. I was all alone in the big open flat and I had no one to hold me or comfort me since Erica had school to do. She stopped by as much as she could and stayed with me for days but her grades were dropping and education was the only option for her to get a job that she really wanted.

The day was the same as always. Crying. Trying to eat but fail. Take long hot showers. Go to work and try my best to listen to Rachel's assistant and try to cope with reality. I was doing horrible and I knew that many of the staff wanted to quit. Since now I was the owner all I had to do was to go through what the designers wanted to design and decide whether to agree with them or shoot their ideas down.

Soon as I came exhausted home I started crying.

Zayn and Perrie were all over the news. Their wedding was later right before Christmas but there was no baby in the picture. Ever. Maybe she had a miscarriage, maybe she just lied. But I never heard from him. The other boys tried but I always forgot to reply since I was busy feeling bad for myself.

Soon the crying stopped and the reason why I didn't respond was because I was busy being the owner of Richi Dùrier.

" Miss Richi, your mail is here"

I turned around in my chair. " Send it in"

Soon as the mail hit the table I noticed a black and silver envelope with golden wrapping around it. I waited for Sophia to get out until I opened it and read what was inside.

" Dear Tara.

My annual mask ball will be at the famous studio 338 club.

The ball is for invited only +1. The club opens at 11:30

And I really hope to see you there on

31st december.


I stared at the invitation. I hadn't gone to a single ball or party since I came back to London. I didn't even go last year to his mask ball. I didn't even go to my own fashion show that was two months ago. That certainly made the headlines.

Should I go this time? I really didn't want to end like last time.

" I see that I'm not the only one that will be needing those for the night?" I looked back and saw a dark haired boy ,or more like a man, walk to the table picking up one shot.

" Probably not" I said as he handed me my third one.

" What's wrong with your life?" He asked like we knew each other.

" I think that my boyfriend doesn't love me anymore " I said and swallowed the disgusting liquor.

" Same here" He said.

" Cheers to that" I said and handed him a shot.

" Cheers" He said and took the shot smiling.

Before I knew it I had wrapped my hands around his neck and started kissing him.

He kissed me back, even more then I was expecting.

" You wanna go somewhere?" He asked me after breaking the kiss.

" Sure" I answered.

I was stupid and I felt sad back then and Zayn was there at the wrong time. It was a simple mistake that wouldn't happen again. I put the invitation away and started working again until it was dark outside and my eyes were falling asleep before me.

When I finally got to the building I stepped out of the private elevator and into the empty flat that greeted me with silence and darkness.

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