Chapter 47-Behind doors.

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Yay I finally updated ! For now on the story will be updated on special days, I will let you know in the next chapter :)

Lots of love!

Harry's P.O.V

I had to admit, Tara and Erica did a great job tonight, and the news about her and Zayn made me happy. Zayn had only been misarble since Perrie said that she lost the baby and the minuet he told us that she cheated I wanted to smack that bitch. Zayn was way to good for her, he was just young and blind.

I sat down in the sofa next to Liam who was having a deep conversation with our friend, but I didn't mind not blending in. I looked into my glass, making the vodka and soda mix carefully together before I put the glass quickly to my lips and swallowed. I couldn't pretend that the vodka tasted that good so I closed my eyes for a minuet before putting the empty glass on the table.

I looked around, seeing all my friends having fun, smiling and laughing. Imagine only years ago I was just a normal kid around normal people, having a normal life with my normal family. I've come so far and I can only thank the boys for waking up one morning, telling themselves that their lifes were gonna change, because they wanted to.

I rested my elbows on my knees as I watched Louis whispering something into Elenour's ear. I envied both of them. I was getting tired of one night stands and all I wanted to do tonight was going home with someone that I loved. I didn't need sex, I just needed someone who looked at me like I was me. Harry. Not that Harry.

" Hey ho birthday boy, wanna get another drink?" Niall stood infront of me smiling brightly.

" Think I will even come with you mate" I said and stood up before pattering him on the shoulder. We walked together to the drinks and Niall handed me a beer.

" So how was in Ireland?" I opened the bottle and took a little sip. Niall took a good look of the beers, having an anxiety of which beer to choose.

" Man it was great, played golf and got to see me family" He finally said after picking the beer that he always picked at the end. He ended up smiling infront of me after the first sip.

" So good getting some time home, but I can't wait getting on tour again" I admitted and Niall couldn't help but smile down.

" I've missed you lads way too..." Niall stopped talking the minuet he looked up. I gave him few seconds to continue but he just kept looking behind me so I had to turn around.

Zayn pulled Tara into his arms before kissing her on the neck. She pushed him gently away without letting go of his hands, like she was playing along. They laughed a little and she kissed him a good kiss before letting go again and walking away to Erica. Zayn followed her with her eyes and I could see just how much he was admiring her.

I looked at Niall who was now looking away.

" You alright?"I asked a little bit confused. Was he jelous of Zayn because he had somebody or because he had...Tara?

" Yeah yeah I'm good, just gonna get some fresh air ya know?" The blonde boy walked away with one hand in his pocket and one hand tight around the green bottle.

I shrugged my shoulders as I found Louis standing alone. If Niall wanted to talk to me about something, he would come around. The time started running out and people were going home. Some of them kept insisting me to go with them clubbing but tonight wasn't the night. Not for me.

" Hey have you seen Tara?" Zayn came into the living room where the rest of us were sitting with our last drinks. The boys looked at each other before shaking their heads.

" No not for a while" I said and Sophia shrugged her shoulders.

Zayn disappeared just as quickly as he came and we continued talking. I was getting sleepy just like everyone else.

" Something Niall would do" Louis said and I realized that I wasn't paying attention to what they were talking about. We all looked around waiting for Niall to say something but he wasn't even there.

" Where are everybody?" Liam asked.

" Speaking of the devil" I said half laughing but stopped as I saw the look on Niall's face as he stormed to the door, slamming it hard as he walked out. We looked at each other.

" What the fuck?" Louis asked and I stood up.

I fixed my jacket as I made my way to Tara's bedroom where he seemed to be coming from. I stopped as I saw that the door was half open and I heard Tara and Zayn talking.

" Just because he slept with someone I'm getting sued Zayn ! Do you think it is fair now that I am this mad?"

" I admit what Niall did was wrong but there was no need for you two to say these things about each other" Zayn's voice was awfully calmed compared to Tara's.

" It is like you knew that this would happen ! Why can't you see what is happening?" Tara was panicking. Soon as she let go of her words a long silence came up. What was going on? Should I step in?

" Oh my god, you knew this would happen? I'm included, I sign this too"

" Yes you are" Zayn said and I heard Tara gasping.

" This is what you meant when you told me that Perrie wouldn't be the biggest problem isn't it? Do you know what this means? You knew that I would be sued if you slept with me ! You knew that we could never be public, you knew"

" Tara please don't go we have to talk about this ! "

I took one step back as Tara opened the door. Her eyes were red and she took a quick breath as she saw me, like she didn't expect anyone to hear this.

" Your birthday present is on my desk, happy birthday Harry" She kissed me on the cheek before walking away, leaving me with her tear on my cheek.

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