Plane Rides ✔️

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Enjoy xx


One of my bandmates sitting next to me shakes me awake while calling out my name. Once I force my groggy eyes to open, she announces that we have arrived. I rub my eyes from my little nap I took during the car ride to the Chicago Airport.

I move my jacket, that I was using as a blanket, aside so I can unbuckle my seatbelt. I pulled on my jacket and shoved my phone in my pocket. Readjusting the black beanie on my head, I hop out of the car behind the others.

I open the trunk first and grabbed my bags. Then, I take a step aside to allow the others to retrieve their baggage as well before I shut the trunk. Flashes of cameras belonging to the paparazzi went off constantly as we march our way into the airport, which was crowded with beautiful fans.

Guards were all around us and when I tried to get to them, they held out their arms, not letting me pass. I frowned as the fans frowned, too.

"You are late for your flight ma'am." The guard warned me and I nod sadly. I give the fans a glance, mouthing an apology before walking back with my tour members and blowing the fans a kiss.

I look back as the space between us and them increased. Most of the guards were in front of us. There was only about two guards blocking my way to the lovely fans. Let me just add that the two guards are pretty tall. Also very muscular. Well, compared to me, of course. I search around and observed all of the faces of the fans. I counted quietly but loud enough for myself and maybe Andy, who was standing beside me, to hear.

"1," I gripped my bag around my shoulders tighter. "2," I glance at Andy who was smirking down at me and I copied her actions, knowing she knows what I'm doing. "3."

"Run." I edged to a whisper before dodging the guards who were shocked as I dashed to the nearest beautiful fan. I took off one of my bracelets, and handed it to her. Her jaw dropped and I gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Bye, beautiful!" I yell as I forcefully made my way back, with Andy, to the others who were laughing their butts off. The rest of the fans were applauding my efforts and I smile at myself for being so ballsy. I've never tried to do that before.

I guess a pregnancy changes you.

We check in our bags and hurry onto the plane shortly after. Calum is first in line and I was behind him when we board the plane. We made it to our rows and had to fill from the back upwards toward the front of the plane.

Calum takes the window seat and I sit in the seat next to him. Madi sat next to me and Mikey sat next to her. The others filled in the four seats in front of is.

The seatbelt sign flashed on and we and other paaaengers on the plane did as told. I reach over Calum to uncover the window. The bright daylight shined in our faces and I had to squint my eyes to be able to see.

"I didn't lift it up for a reason." Calum scolds and I rolled my eyes.

"I know but I'm letting Mikey get some sun before he hibernates."

"I heard that" Mikey says with his head leaned back against the seat and the brunette and I snicker with each other.

Madi was bent over herself in order to fish out her sweater she packed and her headphones. I lean down to my carry on bag and bring out my headphones, too. Instead of plugging the headphones in my phone, I plugged them into my laptop.

I looked over to the right of me, where Mikey was already sleeping. So much for getting him some sun.

Madi already had her headphones on but around her neck. I guess she was waiting for the pilot to say it was safe for electronics.

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