Photo Shoots & Goodbyes ✔️

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Once I wake up, the lights flicker back on. I turn off the flashlight and now out the candles that were still burning before putting them away in the storage room. Everyone continued to sleep soundly, so I quietly make my way upstairs. I brushed my teeth and combed through my hair with a wide brush multiple times to ensure that all the knots disappeared. After, I decide to slip on my sweatshirt and replace my sweats for my skinny jeans. I slipped on my favorite green running shoes and walked out the door to get some caffeine.

I usually grew bored at the house so why not go to the coffee shop down the street? It was forty past eleven in the morning and I forgot about the amount of people who are already awake. Girls came running to me and asked me for pictures. I gladly took pictures with some of them and walked into the small cafe which engulfed me with their high quality air conditioning.

The sun was up and it was hot, especially with my sweatshirt on, which made me sweat terribly. I took off my sweatshirt and draped it across my arm to hold. I went back home with my drink in hand and notice people taking pictures. I swear, the paparazzi follows you everywhere.

As I got back home, I slouch on the couch drinking my iced latte.

"Good morning," I take a pull from the straw before looking up to see Calum walking to the kitchen.

"Morning," I said back smiling while my eyes are led by him walking around the room. He then stops in his tracks and turns towards me.

"Did you go to Starbucks?" He asks and as I nod in confirmation, his eyes widen.

"In that?" He pointed to my clothes and I look down dumbfounded but then noticing that I walked out of the house with, or actually, in Cal's shirt.

"Crap," I utter as loud as I could make it escape my mouth.

We both face palmed ourselves at the same time. Whoops.

"That's no whoops, Moore." I nearly spit out my caffeine.

"I really need to stop talking out loud." I wipe my mouth with my thumb to get the coffee that dripped.

"I feel the same way." He shakes his head and turns around to walk another way.

"This is gonna start so many rumors," I chuckled walking with Cal to the kitchen. I leaned on the counter sipping my drink while he was making tea. For some reason, his back muscles practically popped out at me under his shirt. As he moved, my eyes would trade every muscle and wonder what it would be like to trail my hands dow-

"You alright, Moore?" Cal questions and I shake out of my trance to notice him looking at me with a smirk on his lips. My cheeks warmed at the thought of him catching me staring and I brushed him off.

"Whatever," I breathed out in embarrassment and took a seat on one of the bar stools. My period must be on its way.

Calum eyes me for a few seconds before changing the subject, "I don't even know how we are going to tell the interviewers when they ask 'why was Alex wearing your shirt?'" I shrugged and laugh as he said it. "Then, I'll answer 'well, long story short I was getting revenge and being her dumb self she forgot to take it off.'" He rolls his eyes as he sips the beverage he just made.

"I know I'm such a genius," I flip my hair and laugh at my sarcasm before leading him back to the living room. Cal chuckles and sits down next to me on the couch before grabbing the remote to flip through channels.

I found myself scrolling through my Twitter and saw tweets and pictures of me wearing the, much to my dismay, comfortable NASA shirt. I stop to read a tweet:

The Choosing Game | calum hood & luke hemmings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now