Hometown Houston, Texas! ✔️

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We finally arrived in Houston after a sixteen hour drive. The driver stopped in front of our house and everyone squeezed their way out of the bus to stretch their limbs.

In Houston, the girls and I share a house, or band house as we call it because we all live inside of it, including our families. Once we announced our tour, we knew that the boys will be touring with us and that our hometown will definitely be a priority stop. So, we made a gracious phone call to the residents at the band house to have them set up a room for each of the boys.

As I got out of the bus with my belongings, I took in the environment and breathed in the fresh air of the ol' mighty state of Texas. It felt good to be back, for sure. I look back to see all of the boys squinting up at the house with their mouths open. While laughing, I remember that they have not seen the house yet in person.

"You guys should close your mouths, unless you wanna catch flies between your teeth." Andy pointed out while walking towards the front door with us following after her.

"Welcome to the band house!" Madi welcomes the boys once we walk inside with her arms stretched far out.

"More like a mansion." Ash breathed out as the other boys looked around.

"You could say that I guess." Alex chuckled as we all filed in. I closed the door and leaned against the door while I locked it to make sure it was secure.

"We could give you a house tour after y'all unpack." I offer and the boys' eyes lit up with excitement.


The house was beautiful. I admired the walls that were covered with multiple family pictures as the girls brought us upstairs to show us our rooms. We bumped into Chase, Natalie's brother, getting ready to go, which lead me to assume that the guys that we picked up from the airport about a week ago lived here as well. I'm glad to see some fresh faces, because after a while on tour, one does get tired of seeing the same people everyday.

"Here we are!" Alex smiles while walking into a hallway that claimed the room, to which my bandmates and I will be staying in. The doors were covered in a photo collage and I would say they did a pretty good job. I mean, better than I could ever do.

"We'll be in Alex's room if you need any help or if you're finished." Andy said and they all leave us to unpack our belongings.

After finishing in about half an hour, I walked across the hall and went into Alex's room. All of the boys were already in there and were joking around. Her room smelled like peanut butter, of course, and I laugh since I knew her slight addiction to the food. Music played off her stereo as they took up a majority of the space on the ground.

I knocked on the open door and they turned their focus on me.

"Glad you're done! We could finally do the house tour now!" Natalie happily said and jumps up from her spot on the floor. The rest of them did the same and they pull me downstairs.

The girls showed us the open kitchen and spacious living room. Then, they took us down to the basement. I gasped when I saw the full studio. They definitely weren't kidding about the studio. I mean like it was a full studio.

They took us into the room with the dance floor they sometimes hung out in. They also showed us the recording studio. There was one room for vocals and another for instruments. Alex introduced us to her "DJ Lair," or what she liked to call it.

After, we went back up stairs to the first floor and Jacob was there sitting on the couch with his girlfriend, Julie.

We've met Julie the time Jacob visited the girls' house in Los Angeles. She had a wonderful personality and is so down to earth. She is very humorous, too, and I guess that is how Jacob and her get along.

The Choosing Game | calum hood & luke hemmings ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora