Eyes like the Ocean ✔️

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This chapter begins where Alex walks out, enjoy :)


I walked out the door and slammed it shut behind me. Now, where was I supposed to go? I pulled out my phone from my pocket and called the doctor I met earlier today in the nearby medical center. Madi recommended that I meet one before every show, just in case that something urgent happened. Well, now it's urgent.

"Hello? Yes. When is your earliest appointment open?" I speak softly while pulling my hair away from my face and tugging on it in frustration.

"Five AM? Yeah, that's great." I breathe out with a small smile gracing my lips. "You can put the appointment under my name, Alexandra Moore. Thank you." I said and hang up the call.

Tears ran down my face once again, but this time it was in relief. My eyes blinded itselves and my leg weakened. I lean against the wall next to the room door and slid down. I bring my knees close, cross my arms over them and buried my face. Soon, I will be out alright.

My cries faded, in which felt like forever, and my body ached from crying so hard. I lay down and tucked my arms and legs closer to my body. I brought my somehow cold hands to mouth so my warm breath could defrost them. I took no time to fall asleep once my breaths evened out.


"Mikey," I whisper at him when I see Alex on the ground.

"What? I'm not killing anymore bugs for you."

"Not that," I roll my eyes, only because he couldn't see me. "Come help me bring Alex in the room." I wave him over, then walk over to my bandmate to confirm that she's breathing. I turn back around to bump into the boy that I called. I gasp in surprise before mentioning that he scared me.

"Move over," he wears a smirk on his face as I slide over. He picks up Alex bridal-style while carefully setting her head on his shoulder. He sets her down on her bed and tucks her in. I have to look away trying to not make myself awe at the two. I further thank him and demand that he gets some sleep.

"Are you sure?" Mikey shows doubt in his expression before I nod. "She hasn't sleep this good in ages." I add and motion over to his own bandmate who is sleeping on the sofa as well when Michael seems hesitant to leave me.

"If I have any problems, I'll call Luke over." I assure and he laughs and heads out of the door finally. I go get comfortable in my bed and turn off the lights after being reassured that my best friend might actually be alright.


"Wake up," I hear a voice and feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes groggily and first notice a male's sparkling brown eyes stare down at me. "Ugh, how did you get in here?" I complain to the soul who belongs to the body laying next to me. He mentions that he has the room key in return.

"Frickin-" I cover my face with another pillow to muffle his laughter. "Who the hell gave you it?" I mutter but Cal couldn't hear me. I close my eyes once more to try to enjoy the darkness brought by the second pillow on my face.

I finally had a proper dream in forever and Calum had to ruin it.

I went to the doctor's office early this morning with only two hours of sleep. I then came back to the hotel and rested some more since Madi was still stick in bed.

I did an ultrasound before I finally let go and I do admit, that was the hardest things to do. Well maybe the second hardest, once I tell Madi and Mikey. But the hardest one of all, Luke. He was so happy and now his perfect smile will fade away when I tell him the news.

The Choosing Game | calum hood & luke hemmings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now