Hangovers & Rain Storms ✔️

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I open my eyes to see my clock flashing 10:38 AM. I try to move then but I feel a strong arm wrapped around me. I look over my shoulder and see a shirtless Calum. Why does the world hate me?

I squirm and carefully break out of Cal's hold. As I sat up, there was pain all over my body I felt like I was gonna die. My head was throbbing, my throat was dry, and my hands felt weird. Before my mind could jump to conclusions about the male sleeping next to me, I knew that he would not go that far. At least he listens to his mom about respect and I was grateful for that.

When I sat up from my place on the bed, I instantly held my stomach as a sharp pain went through it. I began to feel nauseated and all the contents in my stomach urged to come upwards. I cover my mouth and ran to the bathroom, not caring how much noise I made. I made it into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet bowl. Pain spasmed throughout my head as I puked.

After awhile, which felt like forever of puking, I felt a warm, comforting hand on my back rubbing in circles and the other hand holding my hair out of the way. The way the person rubbed their hand across my back soothed me enough to stop the nauseating churn on my organs. I finally finished puking my guts out and I sat up leaning against the bathtub next to the toilet. I brought the toilet cover down and will take care of it later. I closed my eyes and relaxed my shoulders by taking deep breaths. I feel like shit to be honest. My head was pounding even more than before, my throat hurt like hell and my legs felt quite numb. This was the worse hangover ever, great just great.

I opened my eyes slowly, seeing two worried brown eyes, waiting for me to say something. I slightly smiled to Cal, which meant thank you since I had a hard time to even say a word. Even if I opened my mouth, no words would come out of it. Cal went over to the cabinet under the sink and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade and Advil. We always kept a case of Gatorade and Advil there just in case things happen. Like for example, hangovers. Lovely hangovers.

And as you are probably assuming, this type of thing has happened before.

Cal shook out an Advil pill and opened the Gatorade bottle for me, handing both to me. I gulped down half of the bottle and closed it. He demanded that I scoot over so that he could sit next to me, and brought his knees up to his chest smiling like I was the best thing to see. I was definitely not.

"What's so funny, Hood?" I groan, unamused, as he the opposite expression took over his face.

"You have no idea what Ash and I went through last night," he chuckled with crinkles in the corners of his eyes.

"I don't remember a thing," I chuckled taking another sip from the bottle.

"It was pretty funny, yet quite scary."

"I bet," I reply before he told me the stories of what happened last night.


I groaned as I sat up slowly from the ground. I pulled out my phone to check the time, it was about noon.

I got up quietly since Mikey was still knocked out and walked to the bathroom, not expecting Cal and Alex in there laughing in hitting it off. It didn't amuse me one bit, because since when did Calum act nice to her? She didn't deserve him. On the contrary, I did nothing to stop him say those hostile things towards her so I guess I should not be saying anything more.

"Hey giant! Just woke up I guess?" She chuckles smiling after using one of her nicknames for me.

The way she smiled made me smile too. It makes me happy to see her happy. Somehow, someway, Alex has this ability to spread her happiness. No matter what or who. She can make everyone smile, laugh, giggle, and even snort. I hate it when I see her sad, my knees feel weak and I feel like crying. I never see her cry but when I do, my world crumbles at my feet. It feels like I'm the one who caused the sadness, like it's all my fault. I admit it, Alex messes with my emotions.

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