My Savior. ✔️

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Warning: emotion levels go pretty high.
Also, on a serious note, there is a tidbit of alcohol abuse. If you are not comfortable reading that part, you are welcome to skip past it.


It's been a whole week since Luke and I's "fight". I have small talk with Cal and the others except for Luke, who has also been avoiding me like the plague. I've been wanting to talk to him but I don't know how to approach him, much less hold the conversation between us. He has made me so angry, but I haven't spoke with him in so long that I grew tired of the anger. I just want my other blonde best friend back, whom I could talk to each and everyday like we used to before all of this craziness happened.

Am I just over thinking it?

It has felt like such a long week that I've been thinking about choosing and getting this ridiculousness over with. Wait.. What am I saying? I can't choose between them because that choice will destroy theirs and our own friendship. They would be so broken. I can't do that to them.

But Luke's smile..

Stop, Alex.

And Cal's laugh..

Don't choose between.

I sit up in my bunk on the bus. As I rubbed my face in frustration, my mind dissolved into mush because of the lack of sleep that I've been missing. Over the last few nights, it has been difficult to sleep since I have these two voices battling for dominance over the choice of do I select a boy, or do I not.

I lay back down and try to think about something else to distract me away from my relentless thoughts, but nothing could get my mind off the boys.

I rub my eyes and open my curtain to reveal everyone's closed ones. I pause for a moment to make sure everyone is still sleeping. Luckily, the snores of whomever confirmed my doubt. When the coast is clear, I hop down and grab my phone along with my pillow before squeezing it against my chest. I won't be able to sleep for awhile, so why not stare at my phone?

I tip toe to the couch at the back of the bus and sit down in the corner where all of the blankets were stacked. I bring my knees up and fold my pillow between my knees and chest as it radiates comfort throughout my figure. I open my phone to let the time appear on the screen and I read it while mumbling about it being four o'clock in the morning.

So basically, I closed my eyes at midnight and squirmed for four hours, more or less. Wow, go me.

Note the sarcasm.

I unlock my phone and bring up my messages that flooded in once I typed in my passcode. I scroll through the contacts and find a few people to text who already sent me something to reply to. Those people included my old friends Josh and Nate, and a few others who were back home living their beautiful lives.

I thought about who to text and listed them off while using the process of elimination. Nate was probably sleeping, but I'm not so sure about Josh. I shrug at myself and the doubts that he actually chose to sleep early. Almost switching to my social media applications, I get a message from the man himself. Like they say, speak about the Devil and he shall appear.

You're probably sleeping but I can't :(

I feel like spamming you with texts will help me sleep

I simply smile after reading what he took the time out to text me. I try to think of his time zone, but I then remember he went on a trip with a couple of his friends to Atlanta, Georgia. Although, he's never up this late.

The Choosing Game | calum hood & luke hemmings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now