Alright ✔️

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At nine, I woke to the morning routines in the bus. A blanket was wrapped around me and my phone was in my hand. I did not remember how I fell asleep, but I do remember moving to the couch.

I see Madi sitting by my head smiling down at me and I drop my head back to pillow tiredly.

"Morning." She greets and suddenly she sounds like a rooster ready to cockadoodledoo everyone up. I make muffled sounds in my pillow and raise my hand to pat Madi's leg, to which she chuckles in return.

Not caring if she follows, I get up from the couch, grabbing my pillow, and walk groggily to my bunk as I dragged the blanket along behind me.

All I care about right now is sleep and it's calling me to my bunk. Just thinking about it makes me want to drop down where I am and fall fast asleep, but then that defeats the whole purpose of moving. If I wanted to stay asleep, I would have stayed on the couch.

I make my way out from the back room with my eyes closed because I didn't have enough energy to do the simple action. Heck, I can barely get myself to walk. Note to self: Go to sleep earlier.

I bump into someone and I hear them chuckle. I open up my eyes but my vision blurs before it can focus on male in front of me.

"Sorry, Ash" I say softly not sure who it was and place a hand on his broad shoulder. I'm not even sure if it's Ash, but I continue my way to my bunk without a worry. Since I didn't feel like climbing up to the top, I choose to lay in Madi's. I'm sure she won't mind. I lay my head on her pillow and wrap my legs and arms around my own.

My goodness, I probably sound like Goldilocks.


While walking to the back of the bus, I bump into Alex and catch her before to falls back from the impact. She had her eyes closed and a pillow in her hand. How does she even navigate in here? I mean, I guess we have been in this bus for so long that she knows where everything is. At least the aisle was clean.

Chucking just thinking about it, Ashton would b*tch at us if we leave anything out and he stubs his toe on it.

Speaking of Ash, she just thought I was him and I look back at her confusedly as she trudged away. I guess she was really tired because she called me Ash.

"What happened to Alex?" I ask Madi while sitting down next to her.

"Why, she didn't tell you?" She says during her search through the television channels. When I remained silent she sighs and confesses, "Alex had a rough night last night." Before I could question why, she bends down to get Alex's phone off the floor. Madi turned on her phone and types in the passcode.

Resting my head on her shoulder, I ask what she's doing and she shakes her head in return. "I want to make sure Alex is okay."

"By looking in her phone?" I ask, even more confused, and she sends my a glare before shushing me and opening up her text messages. When she doesn't not find what she's looking for, I assume, Madi clicks her tongue in annoyance and clicks out of the application.

"Oh right, I blocked him number." Madi mumbles to herself and I feel like a blind mouse who can see the path before him. She goes into the social media folder Alexandra organizes on her phone and proceeds into a messaging application. Having a eureka moment, she finally clicks on the contact that has sparked my attention, Josh. It is sort of scary to see Madi easily navigating through her best friend's phone without trouble since she knows where everything is.

Before I say anything else, Alexandra's phoe probably has the neatest home screen ever. She has everything separated into multiple folders with only a few astray from them.

The Choosing Game | calum hood & luke hemmings ✔️Where stories live. Discover now