Never Breaking Promises ✔️

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I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling at ten o'clock in the morning as Mikey still snored loud and everyone else sound asleep as well. There was about three hours until the interviews so unlike me, everyone is trying to get everything drop of sleep they can.

I stare at the ceiling for another thirty minutes before I stopped wanting to feel sorry for myself and trudge to the bathroom. I wash my hands and splashed water on my face to be rid of any lingering sleepiness. I then look at myself in the mirror. Whelp, I guess the tiredness will stick for the day. 

Maybe I should let all of this go. Sometimes a person loves another so much it's worth letting them go. Well then, do I love her? It's way too early to tell, my friend.

I close my eyes to take a deep breath while leaning my hands on the counter. I try to blank my mind out and not think of Alex.

When I think I succeeded, I open my eyes to then fix my bed hair. Once my fingers touched the blonde strands, my mind instantly went back to thinking of Alex and having her small hands tangled in it. Her laugh and her smile flashed in my head and I groan at how I cannot get rid of her now.

I shake it out and plop on my bed before shoving my phone aside not wanting to look at it. I took a pillow and covered my face with it again like last night.

After a while, I uncovered my face and peered over to the clock which read, 12:18 PM. Damn, already noon. Time goes by fast around here.

My phone vibrated and I turn on my side away from it. It was probably Ash or Cal, whom I didn't feel like talking to right now. I need some alone time and I hope that whoever that is will respect that.

My phone then vibrated a couple more times and I turned around to face it annoyed and frustrated. I guess there is no respect there. I unlock the screen to meet my message notifications on my phone, which were all rom Alex.

She's probably texting me to cancel.

Alex: Still up for coffee?

Me: I thought you forgot about it

Alex: Of course not Lukey

I smiled at her use of her nickname for me and read her next text message.

I promised and I never break promises :)

It is true. Alex never breaks  a promise, even if it is the stupidest promise she ever made. By the time I put down my phone, I was smiling like an idiot. I might be the dumbest promise she has made with, but I couldn't care less because she still remembered about it.

I look back at the clock and see it's 12:36. Shoot, we need to be ready at one o'clock. I hop up from my bed due to the panic that settles in my bones, but also of all the excitement for my hangout with Alex later on.

I put on my maroon snapback in tribute to the female since she adored it so much. She would beg me for it at times because she wanted to know how it looked on her head. I slide on a black baseball tee and lace up my black converse after I slide on my jeans with two holes that exposed my knees.

I luckily finish in about ten minutes, rushing because I was afraid that my current roommate would be annoyed with me if I took any longer. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I search around and find my friend who still slept on his bed. I lean my head back to ask the beings up at the- well, up at the ceiling, I suppose- why I was even scared of Michael in the first place. Walking over to where he slept, I pat his cheek a couple of times while saying for him to wake up.

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