Late Night Coffee Date ✔️

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We were still in Houston and today we are doing a show and a signing at Reliant, or also known as NRG, Stadium. The band and I did our very first concert at this stadium and it is wonderfully special to us. We cannot help it that we are, or in my case were, all big nerds in school. We all got straight A's in our classes and used to get bullied a lot, so music helped us get through it. When we performed at Reliant, we took it as a stand against all of those kids at school who thought we could not do anything.

By the way, look at where we are now: touring around the world with our favorite boys ever.

@LimitedAccessNatalie: can't wait to be back on the Reliant Stadium stage!! It holds so many memories! We have a special surprise for you Houstonians 😏

Madi and Alex were busy on their laptops taking a test and Cal and Luke were beside them watching curiously. The rest of us went upstairs to start packing since we are leaving tomorrow. Before I go, I look back amused after seeing Alex put a hand to Cal's face and shoving it back when he got too close.

I stop by and go into Alex's room to get a jar of peanut butter. I don't usually like peanut butter but I have been craving it recently and no, I am not pregnant. She told me where her stash of jars of peanut butter is when we moved in and I could not be more grateful for that information right now. I grab one had and walk out of the room closing the door behind me. I open it instantly and spoon the substance out.

I go and sit down on the couch in the living room, which is upstairs since Madi and Alex are testing downstairs. Andy and Mikey were playing FIFA while Ash and I spoke about the signing and the awards show, which we are lucky enough to attend.


"Yes, we are done!" Alex and I both yell while holding up our laptops in relief before giving each other a high-five.

"Yay! Now can we please cuddle?" Cal makes a pouty face at us. I hear Alex scoffing at him and tell him something about it being in his dreams.

I check the time on my phone and see that it was time to get ready. I shook my head at Cal and reply that we have to dress for the signing. He then offers me a piggyback ride upstairs that I could not reject. I hopped on his back while Alex and Luke raced up the wooden steps. Luke almost won but he tripped and they both crashed on the ground laughing as they made it to the second floor. We all curl in laughter and separate into our rooms. I gather my necessities and waltz into Alex's bedroom. We usually helped each other get ready.


I stood in front of my full mirror tying up my long hair. I guess I was so concentrated that when Luke wrapped his arms around me from behind, it startled me.

"Gosh, you scared me." I brace myself as I felt his strong arms and gazed in the mirror at him.

He smiles at me and puts his head my shoulder. "Sorry, love. You look beautiful."

I looked down for a moment and could feel heat rising in my cheeks. "So do you, handsome." I reply after leisurely looking at him up and down. He had his hair gelled up in a quiff as he wore a batman shirt paired with his normal black skinny jeans.

He chuckles before looking down and fiddling with his lip ring. He never does that unless he is nervous. What is he nervous about?

"You could always tell me if you need to." I assure him in a soft voice.

"I was just wondering if you would like to go out for some coffee after the show?" He turns me around in his arms to meet my eyes that searched in his crystal blue ones. "We could sneak out when everyone's sleeping, like old times." Shades of pink creeps up onto his cheeks as I reminisce on the memories we have at the house in Los Angeles. He would always come knocking on my door during late nights to sneak me out for a snack.

"Sure, like old times." We walked out of my room and went downstairs. Everyone crowded in the van to make our way to the stadium.

The girls and I ran on the stage spinning sillily around the stage once we arrive. "The stage is still beautiful!" Tally mentions before Andy groans and stops her spinning action.

"Great, now I'm dizzy."

After the show and returning back home, I jog unsuspiciously up to my bedroom and change out of my sweaty jeans that were becoming more sticky by the minute. I then pull my hairtie out while trying hard not to grimace and cover my shaken hair with a maroon beanie. I hear my phone vibrate and check it to see there is a text from Luke.

From: Tall Penguin

Made it outside safely 💪 everyone's already sleeping, don't worry

To: Tall Penguin

I'll be right out :-)

I open my door silently and tiptoed out the front door to notice Luke leaning on the wall and waiting with his hands in his pockets. He was wearing the same thing, but with a beanie on to cover half of his thick, blonde locks.

I smiled and walk over to him to lean against the wall next to him. Since he was looking the other way, I softly nudge him. He looked my way and smiled.

"So leaning on the wall and looking all punk rock is a thing for you now?" He shook his head and laughs while standing up correctly. Luke asks if I am ready and I nod in confirmation.

We walk down several blocks just telling funny stories to each other. After we got our coffee, we walked around the park and spoke to each other normally. I mean, it was just going out for coffee with your best guy friend. There is nothing really awkward about it.

We throw our empty cups away in the trash can and decide to walk home after noticing how fast the night was passing by.

We were just walking towards the house at a normal pace until the sky starts pouring down with rain. Luke takes my hand and quickly runs hand in to the house and I laugh once we arrice to the front door drenched.

I turn to Luke as he still held my hand. "Thanks for tonight. It was fun sneaking out and I missed it." I smile as I look into his eyes once again. I knew I was starting to get lost in them when I began to lean in. His gaze kept switching between my eyes and lips as he leaned in as well.

I felt sparks as soon as our lips touch. They molded together and moved in perfect sync. He unclasped my hand and placed both of his hands on my waist to bring me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him impossibly closer. I could not help but gasp at the coldness of his lip ring as it brushed against my lip.

The thunder crashed loudly and we pulled away suddenly frightened. We look at each other and look down with our cheeks blushing hard. I look up and mention that we should head inside.

We made our way past the door quietly and tiptoe upstairs. He went into his room to change out of his wet clothes and I did, too. I change into sweats and a University of Texas sweatshirt with just a bra underneath the fabric. I grab two towels out of my drawers before heading out to the living room to see Luke sitting on the ground. I hand him a towel and we both shake our hair with the drying material. I went to go put the towels in the washer afterwards so nobody suspects anything.

I come back to see Luke laying on the ground watching a random show on cable. I lay next to him and place my head gently on his warm chest. I could hear his heart beating and close my eyes to enjoy the sound. Luke wraps his arms around me to share the warmth. I fall fastly asleep to the sounds off the rain drops hitting the windows and Luke's soft chuckles at the show he is watching.


Hope you like it!! Comment what you think! I'll be writing the next chapter after I publish this so maybe expect the next chapter soon!

H <3

*Edited 3/18/18 hecks I'm on a roll*

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