Sickness ✔️

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I stayed in the hotel room while everyone went out after a day on more interviews in the city. I suddenly felt the need for more alone time as my brain begins to settle once I put on my headphones. I stare around the room as music played off my headphones, but I came back into reality when I hear a familiar song.

The song that I mixed for Calum a long time ago when he mentioned that he enjoyed my album. The mix was basically a medley of the whole album, which was extremely difficult but- hey, they're my songs and I ended up succeeding.

I close my eyes and enjoyed the perfection of the work. A thought then came to my head and my eyes shot open to my luggage. I still have Cal's shirt, I thought. I quickly pause the song and take off my headphones. Jumping out of bed, I trod my way slowly to my luggage before digging to the bottom to find the white NASA shirt that I've kept for who knows how long.

The shirt no longer had Calum's scent. It mostly smelled like me now. I grabbed the shirt and tucked it in my back jean pocket with majority of the shirt is still hanging out. After walking to the desk in the room and finding a piece of paper and a pen, I write the tatted brunette a little note and fold it up, tucking it into my pocket as well. I grab my room key before heading out across the hall to Cal's shared room. I don't think he's in there, but I knock anyways just in case.

No reply.

I knock once more and again, no reply. I put my hand on the door handle and turns out it's unlocked. Typical Calum.

I am kind of glad that is it unlocked for me to easily get in, but then this is a hotel. Anyone can find out our location and some crazy fans can make his decision a dangerous risk for him. Luckily, we have kept tight security on where we stay during the tour this year, in which we trust. However, one can never be too careful.

I open the door slowly and tip toe inside before I shut the door softly behind me. Once I soundlessly walk further into the room, I find a sleeping dark-haired boy on his bed with the blanket over his shoulder and his chest rising and falling as he breathes. I continue to tip toe over to the the table and grab the shirt out of my pocket. I also take out the letter I wrote and lay his shirt on the table. I bring the paper to my lips and give it a quick good luck peck, and then setting it down on the table right next to the shirt.

I walk over to the bed where Cal is sleeping and sit down on the edge carefully so I do not wake him up. His mouth slightly hanged open while I watched the boy sleep soundly. I smile to myself and brush some of his curly hair out of his face.

I stand up and leave a kiss on his temple.

"Love you Cuddlebear. Dream well" I whisper before leaving the room.


I hear the door close and my droopy eyes find its way open. I sit up and stretch, rubbing the sleep out of my poor eyes that wanted to close. I lean over to look if there is anyone that walked in, but there's no one. I shrug and check the time on my phone: 2:17 PM.

I fell asleep at two o'clock when the others left for an afternoon out in the city. They have been going out a lot recently, but I cannot complain since Atlanta is one beautiful city. There is so much to see and enjoy that one can't see it all in one day. I stand up to use the bathroom, but stop in my tracks when I spotted something on the table in the corner of my eye. I make my way over there and notice a shirt with a piece of paper beside it.

I pick up the piece of paper and read it first:

Hey Hood, I forgot to give back your shirt. Who knows how long I've had it. Sorry it smells like me though haha. Anyways, I lub you :)

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