Missing You ✔️

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Already a week into our break, and the girls and I are running well. Unsurprisingly, the boys have been videochatting and texting us from across the world. The differing time zones were a pain sometimes because one of us would be asleep while they were awake. However, we have been trying to make it work. We even post videos on our social media for each other to see so that we do not have to worry so much about the time zones.

Alexandra and I have been catching up on school. I work only for about three hours a day but Alex, on the other hand, she works all day from morning to night. She wants to get a little ahead on the work to not worry on the road while I just want to catch up. The online school is already difficult as it is.

I kept tossing and turning on Friday night, and I ended up waking up at five o'clock the next morning. I stayed in bed for about an hour and I still couldn't fall asleep.

I sit up in bed and decide to videochat the boys, since I could not fall asleep for my life. It was six in the morning over here so it is nine in the evening over there. I grab my laptop and called them, hoping that they would pick up. They show up on the screen and I happily wave to them with the energy I have left. They all said hi and waved in return.

"Isn't it pretty early over there?" Mikey asked and I nod to confirm his suspicion.

"I couldn't sleep," I say and they all understood since they have the same problem. "I'm going to see if Alex is still sleeping, but I really doubt it." I stood up from my bed and carried the laptop with me to Alex's room.

I am assuming that she is awake only because of how motivated she is to get her things done. Besides, she had caught up on all her show binging so I do not think she has anything else to do. In my personal opinion, I think that sleep is still a lovely option.

I switched the camera so it faces away from me. I open the door to reveal my bandmate on the bed. She leaned on the headboard with her legs crossed and the blanket hung loosely over her shoulders. Her laptop was on front of her and papers were scattered everywhere around her body. Alex was still on her pajamas, which was a big and loose shirt paired with cotton shorts.

To announce my entrance, I drag out my greeting while leaving the door of her room cracked open. Alex glances up and wraps the wooly blanket tightly around her. "Are you filming?"

"No, I'm video chatting the guys." I smile as the boys chuckled at the sight of her. They never saw her like this ever before since we have met.

"C'mon. Take a break from the work and come join me," I then put the laptop on Alex's desk and sat down in one of her rolling chairs.

She sighed and reluctantly got up from her spot on the bed after moving over her stuff for school. Her big shirt that said "I'd rather be sleeping," fell over her shorts and stopped right at her knees. Alex grabbed one of her stuffed animals, Elliot the elephant to be precise, and sat down in the other rolling chair next to me in front of the laptop. I remember convincing her to buy two of these chairs for this exact reason: for me to sit in one.

"So how are you guys?"

"Good. We've been having family reunions, barbecues and things like that." Ash responds to my question with a smile spreading over his face.

I turn to Alex and she just sat with her legs crossed and her arms around Elliot. It was weird because she never cuddles with Elliot, who she received from one of her ex-boyfriends which seems even weirder, I know. She usually cuddles with Bubby the Penguin, which she got from another boyfriend of hers, who she liked more. Honestly, I think that she just gets in relationships for the free stuffed animals to cuddle herself into. I mentally snicker at the thought.

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