We all Scream for Ice Cream ✔️

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I lean back in my chair shocked. How can it be? I looked at Alex and her eyes were glazed over. She seemed like she was about to cry, which made my heart sink. Did she think that I wouldn't approve?

"H-how long has she been pregnant?" I grip the arm of the chair.

"About one and a half to two months. She's not far along." The doctors says before a nurse peeps her head in the room and her eyes glance over to the doctor. The doctor turns and notices the nurse.

"A patient is waiting is Room right." The nurse quickly mentions and the doctor nods.

"I have to go. You can check out at the front desk." She then notices both Alex and I caught in our own thoughts. I look up from my fiddling hands to meet her sympathetic gaze. "I hope everything works out for you guys." The doctor softly says before leaving the room.

I finally stand up and I hold onto the chair due to my legs somewhat shaking. Alex stands up also, still pulling on her bracelets. She makes her way to the door and opens it, but I pull her back. Before she can stop me, I embrace her into a big hug while she holds me tightly back.

"I'm here for you, alright?" I pull away to find Alex's face flustered with tears running down her cheeks. I wipe away at them with my heart breaking every time a tear keeping falling. "We'll find a way to get through this." She nods while sniffling and breaks a small smile before wiping away the rest of the tears that I missed.

"I'm so sorry." Now I'm the one to break as hold her in my arms again. I keep whispering apologies in her ear as she comforts me that everything is alright, just as I said before.

Alex stops at the front desk and a man smiles and hands her a piece of paper. She brings out her slight, kind smile and grabs a pen from the cup on the counter. Alex bites her lip while signing and passes the man back the paper.

I take a deep breath after I press the down button when we get to the row of elevators. I tug on the ends of my quiffed, blonde hair as Alex places a hand on my arm in sympathy. I know she has more tears left in her, but I don't push it. It's up to her to let them fall.

The bell dings and the silver elevator door opens. Alex walks in first with her small hands shoved in the back pockets of her jeans. I walk in after her and she presses the floor button. Alex makes her way to the back corner of the elevator.

The elevator doors close finally and I turn to meet Alex's eyes. She walks towards me while I hold out my arms. Wet tears running down her cheeks before she wraps her arms around me.

I place my chin on her shoulder and wrap my arms around her small frame. I rub her back softly as muffle cries come out of her mouth. Her body shakes in terror while I whisper sweet nothings for her to calm down.

The elevator dings once again and the doors open to reveal the garage. Alex pulls away and let's out a huff of air. We walk out and she wipes her face with her sweater sleeves. I never leave my arm around her waist as she walks beside me to the car. I kiss her temple before we separate to go in the car.

I start the car while Alex shuts the door and puts her seatbelt on. I click my seatbelt on and check on Alex right before I pull out of the parking spot. We don't talk during the drive out of the garage.

The dead silence fills the air until I stop at a red light. I place my hand over hers that's resting on her lap. I squeeze it and she turns her attention on me from the window. Her eyes are puffy and dark as an alley at night.

"Do you wanna go for ice cream?" I break the ice and she nods, the smile never leaving her face. I know she loves ice cream when she feels down. Who doesn't?!

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