Surprise! ✔️

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In response to Alexandra throwing up everyday, we had to cancel three shows of the tour and two acoustic gigs. We're still at the hotel in Atlanta since we can't travel anywhere. The second we step outside of the room, Alex will throw right up.

Everyone's really worried about her since she won't eat much during the day. I know she's scared that she'll throw up, but she looks paler every single day afterwards. Plus, her voice is barely present, so if we do decide to have a show, Alex will barely be able to sing, which breaks my heart.

I can hear her soft snores coming from her resting body next to me while everyone's eyes are glued to the movie playing in the room. I lay next to Alex while she cuddles at my side and her sock covered feet touching mine for warmth. Her skin is cold to the touch, which gives me another reason to worry about her.

Luke and I have been taking care of her since the others are busy with the fans. When to show was cancelled, our fans went into an immediate outcry to find out what happened. Our managers immediately released a statement saying they Alex is sick and we will not continue the tour without her bring one hundred percent. Even though they told the truth, we've kept the real reason why she's sick because heck, we don't even know ourselves.

I told Alex to go see a doctor to find out what is happening. Although, I'm not quite sure if she listened to me or not because she just did her usual nod.


I know Calum is worried about me and wants the best for me, so I actually did listen to his suggestion that I go to a doctor. I was worried myself since I'm not one to be puking constantly. Luke wants to come with me. He always asks me if I was alright every ten minutes or so. Cal has being doing the same. And I know that they are just concerned about my well-being a sound very inconsiderate, but c'mon now.

Cal and Luke have been taking care of me and I feel bad. Every time I get sit up, they think that I'm going to barf suddenly so they run up to me with a garbage pal in their hands ready for me. We also had to cancel several shows so that made me feel even more guilty because it's been at least two weeks that we've been inside this pristine hotel. I'm sure they are sick of seeing and eating the same food by now, even though Madi always tells me how they are starting to feel like home here because they finally get to settle down for a bit.

Luke and I are going to the doctors office later and cannot wait to hear what the doctors have to say about my health condition. If I get a cool doctor, they'll probably tell me that I look like crap. My appetite has shrunk over the last couple of days, only because I was a little nervous that it'll just come back up. So what is the point of eating anyway.

I mean, I do try to drink stuff that puts the nutrients back in my body instead of eating. I hope the juices help return the color to my face but Calum's expression says otherwise. He doesn't believe the these juices are actually healthy for me and thinks that it's making my symptoms worse, which I disagree with but I'll see what happens when I visit the doctor's office.

I wake up from my nap when someone shakes my shoulder with increasing force. My eyes snap open to find a blonde male hovering over me. I then look around to search for the rest of the tour cast since the suite was unusually silent. "Everyone left for lunch." Luke softly answers the question in my head as I notice that he was already dressed with his hair gelled sky-high. "I wanted you to sleep as much as you can. I recommend you to get ready, though." He smiles before walking off to another room.

I yawn and rub at my eyes. I quickly get out of bed and sort out the clothes I plan to wear for the day. After brushing my teeth and hair, I pull on a beanie, a shirt with a grahic print of Beyoncé with black skinny jeans. As I lace up my maroon canvas shoes, my mind wonders to how much time Calum and I have spent since we've arrived in Atlanta.

The Choosing Game | calum hood & luke hemmings ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora