88. Far From Love - Part Eight

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a/n: yes I am still here believe it or not, and hope you guys are staying safe and healthy <3 I usually post updates directly on my profile conversations so always check there if you want to hear from me more frequently! 

thank you guys so much for 2 mil?? I actually can't believe it

warnings: mentions of character death, mentions of dead characters, lowkey trauma actually highkey trauma last chapter was messed up, um more backstory for y/n because why not (actually there's specific reasoning for this so like), language and maybe some fluff?

italics are flashbacks

"Honey," you dad sighed, "Can we go tomorrow after school?"

"No, Dad, I really need this book," you begged, even putting on a pout that you knew he wouldn't refuse. "Mr. Clark said if we don't have it by first period then we get knocked down a letter grade."

Your father rubbed his eyes, looking tired. To be fair, you did feel bad leaving until the night before, but you kind of wanted an excuse to spend time with your dad - even if it was just a walk to the 24 hour bookstore a few blocks down.

"Fine. But you aren't coming."

"What?" You complained, but he shook his head, trying not to smile at your expression.

"It's way past your bedtime," he chuckled.

"I'm thirteen, I don't really need a bedtime anymore-"

"It's late out, and I don't like the idea of you going outside at this hour, even with me," he reached out to ruffle your hair, but you dodged it with an annoyed frown. "You should go to bed anyway. I'll make sure to put your book on the table so you can grab it before you go."


"Nope, no guilt tripping me," he laughed when you crossed your arms. "I'll be back soon."

Despite his insistence on you going to bed, you grumpily sat on the couch waiting for him to come back. Your mom knew better than to try to hassle you to go to sleep - you would just be sitting in bed awake anyway. It had only been half an hour when your eyes started to droop, making your mom snicker at you.

"You really shouldn't have waited until the last minute," she laughed, shaking her head. "I would've taken you after school, you know."

"I forgot!" You sort-of lied, crossing your arms and trying to sit up so you wouldn't fall asleep. "I just want to make sure he got the right one-"

A knock interrupted your little rant, making your mom frown.

"Did he forget his keys?" you heard her mumble but you shot up to go answer the door for your dad, not caring if he was going to scold you for staying awake. He wouldn't really be mad, anyway.

But when you opened the door, it wasn't your father. It was a policeman.

"We've been hovering over Luxembourg for nearly an hour," Happy Hogan's voice interrupted your memory and self-loathing session. "Do you have any sort of idea of what we should do next? Anywhere Fury said he would be aside from Berlin?"

You didn't. Overall, you knew you needed to stop Beck and notify Fury, the real Fury this time. But with Beck having E.D.I.T.H., you weren't sure how you could do it. 

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