71. Revelations - Part Nine (Final)

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a/n: finally...I wrap this series up. thanks for loving this series so much you guys, the countless comments and messages I've received about it have made me want to write this last part even more. I'll be posting a few more requests (I think?) and then jumping into the soulmate series (btw I already counted votes a few days ago, and the first one is what I'll be writing). sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy this much-needed fluff! especially after watching the beginning of the new far from home trailer we really need some fluff don't we lol

italics are sorta flashbacks, and there are NO spoilers in this (remember it's set after homecoming/before infinity war)

reminder: requests are closed

warnings: perhaps some language, 👀, but other than that I am so nice to you guys there's like no angst for once :)

"How's that scratch healing up?" You asked curiously, causing Peter to shrug. 

You were both sitting on his bed, catching up on homework that you were both getting behind on due to patrols. After one of Peter's teachers chewed him out for getting a bad grade for the first time, he decided maybe he could chill out on being Spider-Man until he got a better grip on balancing being a superhero, school work, and now having a soulmate that he was eager to spend more time with to make up for, well, everything.

Luckily he could combine the latter two.

"Haven't really paid attention to it, since, you know, I heal fast," he gave you a cheeky grin and wiggled his eyebrows, and you tapped your pencil on his thigh, shaking your head.

"Okay Mr. Show-Off," you muttered, causing him to laugh, "Let me see."

You lifted his shirt when he turned his back to you, a little surprised to see the mark had faded. His tattoo seemed even brighter than it had last time you saw it, and definitely prettier without the giant cut across the middle.

Without really thinking about it you raised your hand to his back, resting the tips of your fingers on the design that matched yours perfectly.

Your fingers felt warm on his skin as you traced the outline of his tattoo, the tips of your fingernails trailing along the vibrant black lines. For the first time in years Peter felt comfortable and relaxed, and not at all terrified of the markings on his back.

"We got pretty lucky with this tattoo, hm?" Your voice brought a small smile to his face, "I've seen people with some pretty weird ones, not gonna lie."

"Like what?" He chuckled a little, turning to face you as you let his shirt fall back down, covering the design that haunted him for so long.

"I swear I saw a lady's tattoo that looked like Jar Jar Binks."

"You are such a liar," he teased, poking your side and making you laugh.

"I'm not lying! It was awful!" You swatted his hands away when he tried to tickle you again, "Who knows, maybe that's her favorite character and she was super excited to have that tattoo."

"You're so full of it," he rolled his eyes while you huffed and laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Shouldn't we go patrol soon?" You asked, turning your head to glance at him. "My brain is fried."

"Or we could take a night off," he suggested with a little grin, leaning up over you to press a quick kiss to your forehead while you laughed. "It's a Tuesday after all, nothing exciting happens on a Tuesday."

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