58. And They Were Roommates - Part Four

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a/n: if you guys don't know what a white elephant gift exchange is, please look it up for context and also so y'all can do it at christmas cause it's so fun. also my aunt makes the best pancit and I'm literally dreaming about it I can't wait to eat it at christmas

also, I will be without a laptop until saturday, so sorry if I don't respond to any messages! I will get to them on sunday :)

reminder: requests are currently closed

warnings: small amount of angst, fluff, language, pining (you know how it be)

"How long have you known?" You asked, not in an angry way, but more of a confused one. There was a pause before MJ answered.

"About what?"


There was another pause again, and you knew she knew what you were talking about despite being so vague. "Sophomore year."

You knew that she knew - it seemed pretty obvious now that you actually thought about it, and MJ was always an observant one. After you patched Peter up and told him not to go out and be Spider-Man until he healed (despite his pouting and protesting), you grabbed your keys and said you needed some air, which was more than true. And the first thing you did was call your best friend to demand some answers.

You took a breath, running a hand over your face. "Why-why didn't you say anything?"

"You know it wasn't my secret to tell, Y/N," MJ chided, "Plus, he didn't even know that I knew until senior year. Honestly, I'm surprised no one else knows, you would've caught on if you weren't so busy focusing on how cute he supposedly is-"

"Okay, we don't need to go there," you coughed, glancing around despite knowing that no one could hear her. You were sitting on a bench during the last week of classes at nearly eleven at night - no one was there. "Did you know that was part of the reason he did all that to me?"

"I had my suspicions," she sighed, "But honestly no reason was good enough for him being a shitty person. What exactly happened, did he tell you? Have you talked to him about it?"

"He...he said it wasn't safe for me to be close to him, someone had threatened to hurt me because they saw a picture of us on his phone while he was Spider-Man. If he made me hate him, then I would stay away and maybe they wouldn't find me."

"That is some bullshit," she stated after a second of silence, making you snort. "He could've just told you to stay away from him until he dealt with it. And then there's Ned and I - if some evil guys found Peter, they would have seen us with him too. There's gotta be another thing."

"What else would it be?" You questioned. 

"He...always cared more about you than about us," she started, making you quickly shake your head despite knowing she couldn't see. "Maybe he wanted to protect you more than us because he liked-"

"Don't even go there, MJ. You know he didn't feel that way about me, not like how I did."

"I'm pretty observant, Y/N. Those disgusting longing glances weren't one sided, babe."

"Don't say that," you shut your eyes, "I-If he liked me like that, he would have told me the truth, and not said all those things and made me hate him."

"I've told you before that the boy is a dumbass," she pointed out, "And sometimes people don't know what to do with their feelings and act out in stupid ways thinking it's the best option, when it isn't."

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