100. Fine Line - Part Six

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a/n: yo I've written 100 parts for this book 😳

you guys liked the idea of the alternative endings, so they'll be posted after this is wrapped up, and then I'll start working on the requests you guys have sent in! :) 

also I'm cracking up at the amount of you commenting about miraculous ladybug and how similar it is to this fic, I've never watched it before and saw one episode because I was curious and like why are they almost exactly how I pictured Medusa and Spider-Man's dynamic 😭

this was definitely meant to be the last part but...I think we need another >:)

warnings: language, fighting, mj is a baddie, I think that's it. for now :)

requests are open - read first chapter for guidelines

You didn't think it was possible to feel worse than you had been for the last week, but it was. The last thing you wanted to do was go to school and pretend everything was normal in front of your friends. Even more so, you didn't want to have to be around Peter at all. 

Still, you forced yourself to get dressed and just be grateful that you at least could ignore him and hope he did the same. You couldn't picture saying anything to him at all - all you two ever did was fight or just be mean to each other for no reason.

You couldn't bring yourself to be mean to Spider-Man. Not even if he was Peter. 

The best you came up with was to ignore him completely. He wouldn't say anything to you if you didn't say anything to him, surely. The last week had basically been going like that anyway. No wonder he was acting so weird - you were slowly beginning to piece together his behavior this week in the context that he knew you were Medusa, but it was making your head hurt.

Every single memory you had with Spider-Man was now ruined by the fact that it was Peter the whole time. Nothing he had promised you seemed to be true after all - he certainly had abandoned you and he definitely didn't feel the same after seeing who you were under the mask.

You knew that wasn't really fair. If it had been the other way around, you might have had the same reaction. If you had known Peter and Spider-Man were the same person much earlier, you probably wouldn't even be as upset about it now.

But you had both gotten so close, especially over the last few weeks...and this hurt.

Avoiding him was the only thing you could do. You certainly weren't ready to try to talk to him, and you were pretty sure he wouldn't want to talk to you anyway. 

Regardless of not wanting to be at school at all, you still went. You were pretty late, telling your dad you felt sick but deciding last minute it would be stupid not to show up. You ended up arriving just before lunch, not even annoyed that you had to deal with getting a tardy slip.

Peter didn't even look at you when you sat down with everyone, but you noticed him tense up. Ned and MJ both greeted you, and you managed a smile and sat down, avoiding even looking at Peter. He was doing homework or something and didn't even look up to sneer at you like he usually did. You almost wished he would.

"You missed like the first half of the day," MJ commented, and you shrugged.

"Accidentally slept in." 

She didn't really seemed satisfied with that answer, and immediately looked at Peter. "Hm."

"Did I miss anything important in Physics?" You asked, mostly to distract MJ from asking any more questions about why you were late. She had really been on your case lately about your health, and definitely was starting to realize you were lying every time you said you were fine.

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