21. It's Over - Part Two

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A/N: you guys got heated about me writing a part two so I wrote another part lmao. hope you enjoy! I managed to get some wifi just to post this but for the next few days I won't be sure if I can post :(((

Warnings: Language, A N G S T, Mentions of Break-Up

You weren't sure how to feel. On one hand, you finally had the answer you needed, and you weren't confused anymore. On the other hand, you lost the best thing that's ever happened to you, and you would never have him back.

The next few weeks were absolute hell for you. Going to school was a nightmare, and losing traditions that you and Peter used to have were even worse. You couldn't go to Delmar's after school to grab a sandwich without the fear of seeing him there, or having the owner ask where he was. You didn't have weekly movie nights on Fridays, or your every-other-Sunday picnic trips. 

You also lost your friend Ned, who you figured would stick with Peter because they were best friends. But downright ignoring you when you said hi to him was just screwed up. 

Another person you lost was Aunt May, who you loved and adored as if she was your own Aunt. You never saw her outside of Peter's house, and you obviously weren't going to see her anymore after all this.

You were so wrong about that one.

After the fourth week since the break up, you barely left the house except for school and to get groceries when your parent couldn't. You hated going out, knowing you looked like a mess, because you felt like one. 

Luckily, Queens was a big city, so if you had to go out, you rarely saw anyone. Of course, though, luck wasn't with you one weekend when you were shopping for food and you ran into May at the store. 

"Y/N? Is that you?" You heard her familiar voice say behind you, making you tense. 

But you turned around anyway, putting a fake smile on your face and trying desperately not to break down right there. 

"Hey, May," you gave her a weak smile, slightly surprised when she stepped forward and wrapped you in a hug. She was acting like nothing had happened between you and Peter, acting like you were still, well, like you were still dating.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" She grinned, but it dampened slightly when she saw how you looked. "Oh, Y/N, aren't you getting any sleep? Probably all the studying you do, I know you and Peter are just two peas in a pod that way. So how come I haven't seen you around?"

"P-Peter didn't tell you?" You stammered. She frowned, looking confused.

"Tell me what?" She questioned, tilting her head slightly in the same way Peter did when he was confused.

You bit your lip and avoided her gaze, and her face filled with understanding. "Oh, honey. I'm so sorry."

She pulled you into another hug while you choked back a sob, hugging her back tightly. It was a good thing you saw her when Peter wasn't around, or it would've been pretty awkward. It still was, but just because you weren't with Peter anymore, didn't mean you didn't like May anymore.

"I'm sorry," you apologized as you pulled away from her, "I-I didn't mean to break down like that, I just-"

"It's okay," she gave you the warm smile you had missed so much, "I was wondering why Peter looked so downright miserable lately, but the boy never talks to me anymore."

Your heart skipped a beat. He was 'downright miserable'? That didn't make sense, since he was the one who dumped you. Who said he didn't love you anymore.

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