14. I Always Got You

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A/N: So, I'm done with the angst for now, lol. Do you guys prefer angst or fluff? I like writing both, but if you want more of one or the other, let me know!

Warnings: Language, Attempted Assault

Queens wasn't the same place since Spider-Man showed up. A lot of people felt safer walking around at night, but not you. After all, the hero was only one guy - he couldn't be everywhere at once.

You were heading for your boyfriend Peter's house, which was only a few blocks from your place, but it was also dark and late. He had offered to come get you, but you insisted you were fine. You had done the walk several times, and there weren't too many creepy alleys that you had to pass. 

Yet you still felt uneasy when you heard someone's footsteps fall in line with your own behind you. You jokingly thought to yourself, hope Spider-Man isn't taking the night off. But it was probably nothing, anyway.

After several minutes, you noticed the footsteps had actually increased, gaining speed on you, and you decided maybe you were wrong about not having Peter walk with you.

When they got closer, you reached into your bag, searching frantically for your pepper spray. Peter was the one who insisted you buy some, just in case he wasn't there to walk you home. 

Before you could find it in your mess of a purse, a hand roughly grabbed you by the arm and yanked you into an alley, the other hand covering your mouth as he slammed you against a wall.

You blinked the pain away, wincing as you took in the man's grubby features two inches from your face. 

"Don't scream, or I'll put a bullet in your pretty head," he growled, dropping his hand from your arm to grab a gun tucked away in his belt. "Understand?"

You nodded, wide-eyed as he let his hand drop from your face and reach for your purse, pulling it from your grip.

He kept the gun on you as he stepped back, the other hand digging around in your purse for a minute. Pulled out your wallet, he flipped it open, chuckling at the picture of you and Peter you had tucked in there.

"Aw, how sweet. It's too bad your boyfriend won't be here to save you from what I've got planned."

Your blood ran cold at those words, making your knees feel weak at the implications. 

"Well, he might not be here, but I am!" A familiar voice said to the right of you, causing both you and the mugger to snap your heads to the sound. Turns out Queen's hero wasn't taking the night off after all.

Before either of you could react, a web shot out from his hand and attached to the mugger's gun, pulling it from his grip. Spider-Man tossed it to the side easily, walking up to the guy like he had all the time in the world.

"Anyone teach you manners, buddy? Going through a lady's purse isn't very good etiquette." He sighed, shooting a web at the man's head and yanking on it so the mugger's forehead slammed into the brick wall, knocking him down. "Men these days, huh?"

He turned to you, "You alright, ma-"

Suddenly he froze, like he recognized you from somewhere. Your lip was trembling slightly from fear of the whole situation, that you barely noticed the man get up.

"Hey, watch out-!" You tried to warn him, but the mugger grabbed Spider-Man's legs and knocked him to the ground.

He reached for the gun on the ground, aiming it for you but luckily the hero had fast reflexes this time. A shot rang out and barely missed you, as he had shot a web at the attacker's hand and moved the gun's aim from you. He pulled the man's body toward him to meet his fist, this time knocking him out completely.

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