51. Moving On - Part Two

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a/n: I believe there will be just one more part of this. kind of hate how I wrote this I feel like it's boring but I hope you guys like it? next part should be way better I promise! and sorry for the wait I started school again and it's been kicking my ass!

reminder that requests are closed!

warnings: angst, MAJOR infinity war spoilers, language, reader has nightmares/ptsd, mentions of character deaths, talks of therapy, hatred of pickles, there's a lot lmao

note: italics are memories/dreams

It felt like hours since Peter vanished in your arms, but in reality it had only been seconds. Dust was on the ground, covering your fingers, on your lap where his head had rested before he-

"Oh, God," you croaked out, starting to feel panic creeping up your throat like bile, staring at the black dust falling from your fingers in the wind. "Tony-Tony where did he-where did he go, what happened, Mr. Stark-"

"Y/N," Tony's voice sounded rough, shaky even, and you barely felt his hands grip onto your shoulders, trying to get your attention. "Y-You need to calm down-"

"We can fix this, right?" your voice cracked, eyes not quite focusing on Tony's as he tried to hold you still, "Tell me we can fix this, he-he can't be gone, Tony please-"

"It's too late," Nebula's cold tone interrupted your panicked rambling. She kicked a rock on the ground, her jaw clenching a bit. "Thanos won. It's time to move on and think of the next step. They're gone, all of them."

"You don't know anything!" You suddenly shouted, lurching forward but Tony was quick to grab you and hold you back. "You're wrong! He can't win, this wasn't supposed to happen, Peter can't be gone!"

Nebula didn't say anything, the look of slight pity on her face only making you angrier, but even in your state of mind you knew fighting her wouldn't do anything, and she wasn't the enemy anyway. 

You grew limp in Tony's arms when you started sobbing, everything suddenly becoming too much to process. He held you tight while you cried, and you barely noticed that he was shaking, probably breaking down too.

It was hard to calm down when all you saw when you closed your eyes was Peter's terrified expression, and all you heard was the sound of his voice breaking when he practically begged for his life. It wasn't fair, you would've taken his place in a heartbeat, but instead you were forced to watch him suffer as he left.

"My ship is still here," Nebula broke the silence after you and Tony had both calmed down a bit, almost making you flinch from how loud it seemed after the quiet. "I'm guessing you both need to get back to Earth."

"We should," Tony's voice sounded rougher, his eyes a bit bloodshot, but he still looked more put together than you did, you were sure. "Maybe you should join us on Earth-"

"I only came for Gamora," she said harshly, "I'll give you two a ride back, but then I'm leaving to go after Thanos."

"Revenge isn't the answer," he insisted, "You can help us find him, reverse whatever just happened-"

"You can't reverse what he's done," she interrupted again, "You just have to accept that they're gone. Move on. That's all that can be done, unless you'd like to join me in killing him."

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