109. Accident - Part One

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a/n: the more I write the more I realize coming up with titles is just not my thing lol. also okay I feel like every time I write a fic where the reader is also a superhero they all sound the same LMAO but even though this kind of parallels a lot with some fics that I've written before, I hope you guys like it anyway! the original request is going to be posted at the end (so next part - there should only be two parts of this...I think lol)

bypass is the reader's superhero name, as per the request! the rest of the request has spoilers for the fic so that's why I'm posting it in the next part!

also, I should be able to write more frequently pretty soon here, unfortunately for all of you I have been inspired to write more painful stuff because like many of us I have been listening to olivia rodrigo's new album on repeat and loving it so! get ready >:)

warnings: dramatic irony up the fucking kazoo LMAO, language, buildings getting blown up because plot has to exist somewhere I guess, some moments where you want to shake the reader and peter and ask why they are stupid, you know - the usual!

"You suck," you panted, resting your hands on your knees as you glared at your partner. "That was cheating, Spidey."

"Bypass, you literally teleported several times on the way here and still lost. I think you need to look up the definition of cheating, sweetheart," Spider-Man crossed his arms, one of his masked eyes winking at you. "And look up sore loser while you're at it."

"Like I said. You suck."

Spider-Man hopped up onto the upper roof, reaching out a hand for you to grab so he could pull you up with him. You rolled your eyes and took the easy way up, even if you knew you shouldn't overuse your powers. 

Over time, you were getting better at the teleportation thing. A few accidental jumps to the middle of nowhere, a few near misses of people almost running into you. Many times where you overdid it and had to take a break for nearly a week before trying again. 

You popped out of existence and reappeared a few feet behind Spider-Man, snickering as he huffed when he realized what you did instead of just taking his hand.

He pulled his hand back, laughing. "And like I said - sore loser."

"Next time you offer to race me back to the meeting spot, it should be without your webs. Totally unfair."

"You literally can teleport, you cannot say what is and isn't fair."

"Maybe I want to stick to walls sometimes."

He snorted, sitting on the ledge and facing down at the street below. His red and black suit stood out against the white rooftop you were both lounging on, while yours blended in a bit better. Despite that, you were still a little jealous that he had all the fancy upgrades.

You met Spider-Man years ago, back when both of you were still somewhat new to playing heroes. His old excuse of a suit was something you still teased him about, even if yours hadn't been any better. 

Over time you two became close friends, even if you didn't know what the other looked like. Still, you had always liked that blind trust you had in each other, even if lately the idea of keeping your identities a secret was getting old to you.

"You ever been there?" You pointed to the sandwich shop just in view a block or so down the street as you sat next to him.

"Saved the owner and the cat before," he said carefully, and you realized maybe the question was too personal. He was always too careful about saying anything that might compromise his identity, but really? You were pretty sure hundreds of people had been to that bodega, and it wasn't like you'd figure out who he was if he had been there.

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