
14.2K 170 10

hey this isn't super important unless you guys want to know why I've been MIA for like the last month (or more probably, I've lost track of how long it's been, rip).

anyway, several things have come up lately between work and some family problems etc etc, so I have had essentially zero time to write. revelations part nine is about halfway written with no editing, a new oneshot I planned is only a quarter of the way finished, and so is my new series. basically a lot of unfinished writing.

I have no idea when I can post any new updates for any of those writings, and I am so sorry for that. I've been pretty inactive on my tumblr too, and I really just don't know when I can get back on. 

I just wanted to let you guys know I AM alive, just super busy/distracted/unable to be on. thanks for being so patient and also for getting me 500K READS? LIKE HELLO THAT'S CRAZY?

anyway, ily all and feel free to message me anytime, the only thing I have time for is seeing messages tbh - but remember that REQUESTS ARE CLOSED.

thanks guys :)

xx j

Peter Parker ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora