30. Excuse My French - Part One

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A/N: okay okay okay, so I started writing this and it was cute and fluffy and only one part, but you guys know I have no control so be prepared and don't hate me for how long and wild this series will be thanks :) Also, cause this is important to mention, this is BEFORE Peter got bit by a spider.

I actually did some research on this, and based a lot of it on my experience in France and talking to a girl I know that lives there, so hopefully I'm doing it justice :D

Warnings: My french is kinda bad I haven't spoken it in a while (I feel like that should be a warning lol), Language

You hated this so, so much.

Over the last month, several things changed, the largest being that your father was relocated to the States. Which in turn meant your whole family was now moving to an entirely new country, with different customs and an entirely different language, and you barely had any time to mentally prepare yourself for it.

You would miss France so much. You loved your city, you loved your friends and family, and now you were being ripped from it despite how much you didn't want to leave. 

Here you were now, standing in front of your new high school, terrified but curious at the same time. You were fluent in English, so that wouldn't be a problem, aside from your obvious accent, perhaps. But everything else worried you - the rumors you had heard about the American public school system were, quite frankly, absolutely absurd. 

The weirdest thing to you wasn't even the school though, but the city itself. New York was big and loud, not what your small town was like. There was more crime, and it got scary at night. The thought of taking a subway even freaked you out, even though on trips to Paris you had done it before.

"Hey, um, you okay?" A voice asked next to you, making you jump slightly as they interrupted your thoughts.

"Yes, I am fine," you smiled slightly at the boy, not able to help it when he shot you a big grin.

"You're not from here, are you?" He joked, making you laugh and shake your head. 

"Did the accent give it away?" You asked cheekily as he rolled his eyes. 

"If you didn't have the accent, I never would've guessed. Your English is really good!" He complimented. You gave a little bow, making him snicker.

"Thank you very much," you chuckled. "My name is Y/N, by the way."

"Ned," he stuck his hand out for you to shake. "Don't French people do that thing where they kiss both your cheeks when they introduce themselves?"

That comment made you burst into laughter, him quickly following suit and giggling right along with you. Once you both calmed down a bit, you shook your head.

"Not usually when they first meet," you snorted, "I do not do that, at least. Only with friends or family do we ever really do that."

"Interesting," he nodded to himself, "Well, Y/N, you're here way too early. School doesn't start for another hour."

"Really?" You groaned, "I have my time mixed up. Why are you here early, then?"

He paused, biting his lip. "Uh, just a meeting with a friend, about some homework we had trouble on. But he can wait a bit, if you want me to show you around so you don't get lost?"

You beamed at him, "That would be great. Thank you so much!"

"Of course," he scoffed, "Did you get a schedule yet?"

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