107. Spider-Man Cookies and Napkin Notes

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a/n: at last, the beginning of the requests! keep an eye out for a message from me sometime soon if you sent one in - I'll be going through them now, in the order I received them, so it will take some time! 

thanks @meganisobsessed for the request!

warnings: my first strictly fluff piece in like. AGES. not a drop of actual angst in this I can't believe it, but of course there is language, and a lot of corniness because peter is a hopeless romantic :')

requests are still open - check chapter one for guidelines

"God, you are so whipped," Ned's grumble made Peter break his gaze to give his friend a dirty look.


"Maybe if you'd stop ogling at our barista for five seconds, you'd be paying attention to what I just said.

"Her name's Y/N," Peter defended you, "And I was paying attention. But, uh...say it again anyway."

"You are awful."

Peter listened this time as Ned went over the crazy professor he had, making sure his attention didn't waver even as you passed by their table to help another customer. 

He had been coming here since the beginning of college, discovering it was unusually quiet compared to other cafe's near campus, and it had some of the best coffee he'd ever had. Caffeine didn't affect him as much since becoming Spider-Man, so he didn't usually care for it - but one cup from here changed his life.

Though, there was another reason that he liked to frequent this place more than the ones closer to campus.

And that reason walked right up to their table, making his attention slip away again from Ned's rant.

"Are you guys wanting anything else?" You asked as you started gathering up their empty cups, "Maybe a refill?"

"I'm good, thank you," Peter said softly, barely trusting himself not to stutter around you.

He knew he had a track record for falling too quickly and too hard when he had a crush on someone, but he was convinced it was entirely different with you. When you first smiled at him and complimented his Iron Man shirt, he swore it was just a coincidence that he turned bright red and stuttered a thank you, which made MJ lose her mind. But the fact that he still had that reaction around you was enough to tell him that he liked you. And he didn't mind it at all.

It had been months now, you knew him and his friends by name, and you always greeted them like friends. The little conversations you all had between you helping customers made his day, and made him like you even more. And lately he had a feeling that maybe you liked him a little too.

"Well, I'm not," Ned interrupted his thoughts, making him frown, "I think I need something strong to get through the day, this class is killing me."

"Well, you're taking computer science, so I don't know what else you expected," you teased a little, pointing at the menu, "Our cold brews are pretty strong if you want to try that?"

"Yes, and please add some type of sugar, I can't handle drinks like the ones Peter orders."

"I'm more a sweet coffee girl myself," you smiled a little as you wrote that down, "Anything else? You sure you don't want anything, Peter?"

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