1. Who Gave You That Black Eye?

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A/N: This is my first Peter imagine, I hope you guys enjoy! I combined two requests for this one, btw. I ended this kinda weird so let me know if you want a Part Two, maybe?

Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Language, FLUFF

These moments were some of your favourites. When Peter was with you, it felt like you could almost forget the troubles waiting for you at home, and you could imagine just sitting here with him forever, even if it was for something as simple as studying for you Spanish quiz next period. 

You could almost forget the constant fear nagging at you as the clock ticked on, signaling only two hours left until you had to go home.


"Uh, Y/N?" Peter asked, causing you to glance up and raise an eyebrow. You noticed him focusing his gaze on your left eye, but you didn't realize why, and chose to ignore it.

"Yeah, Pete?" You asked, glancing back down at your Spanish notes and tapping your pencil against the paper.

"Who gave you that black eye?" His voice had lowered to a whisper, but it was tense. You pencil froze in it's tapping, and you were almost afraid to look up.

"Shit," you mumbled, yanking out the mirror in your bag to inspect your eye. This morning, you hadn't realized it would bruise, otherwise you would've had time to come up with an excuse, or at least cover it with make-up.

"Y/N," Peter insisted, taking your hand and removing the mirror so he could get a better look at it. "What happened?"

"It's nothing," you mumbled, avoiding eye contact as you moved back to the study session. "Come on, I really can't fail this quiz-"

"Don't push me away," He almost snapped, causing you to tense at the familiarity, "Y/N, you've been acting off for weeks. We tell each other everything, come on. What's going on?"

"I don't want to talk about it," you said harshly, feeling slightly bad when a look of hurt flashed across his features, and he let go of your hand. "Look, I'm sorry Peter, but I'm not in a good place right now, okay? I promise I'll talk about it when I'm ready." 

He continued staring at you as you shifted your notes, avoiding his gaze. You'd have to tell him sooner or later, you knew that, but you were afraid of the consequences.

Luckily he accepted that you weren't going to talk now, and the two of you went back to comparing notes and testing each other for the upcoming quiz. It helped get your mind off what would happen once you got home.

Turns out the quiz was the least of your problems. 

"It's your Dad, isn't it?" Peter blurted on the way home. Suddenly you regretted accepting his offer to ride the subway home with you.

You gave him a look, knowing you couldn't lie. Was it a Spider-Man superpower that Peter could always tell when you were lying, or was it cause he had known you so long?

"I said I didn't want to talk about it, Peter," you muttered, shifting your backpack as you two stepped off the subway, heading for your apartment. "I can walk the rest of the way by myself. See you tomorrow."

But before you could get away he grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to face him. His brown eyes took note of the tears forming in your E/C ones and his expression softened.

Peter Parker ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora