52. Anything For You

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a/n: okay I SWEAR I'm working on moving on part three, it should be coming soon I promise! this is a one-shot I did on tumblr for a friend's writing challenge (check her out if you're on tumblr - her username is pumpkinparkers and she's such an amazing author!). figured you guys might like this so here it is! 


warnings: language, an adorable dog, an adorable boy (it's peter obviously), and cliche fluffy really bad writing cause I rushed this :)

Ever since you were little the one thing you asked for every Christmas was the extremely cliche present of a dog. Pretty much every kid wanted to wake up Christmas morning to a puppy, usually a yellow lab, that had a giant red bow wrapped around it's neck. You were no different - except that you didn't care what it looked like or where it came from, you just wanted a best friend in the form of a dog.

However, your family lived in a two bedroom apartment in New York, and the thought of having a dog in there just wasn't a possible feat, especially when you were either too young, or too busy when you were older, to truly take care of one.

And when you got older, you knew that having a dog just wasn't realistic for you when you lived with a roommate that was allergic, so instead you spent your free time from school working at an animal shelter.

There was one dog in your shelter that you knew was never going to be adopted, sadly. Max wasn't old, but he wasn't very social - he often growled and sometimes even bit at people and your coworkers. It hurt to know that he probably had been through some bad things before the shelter picked him up, and it was sad to see him every day not being adopted.

However, you were able to work with him enough that he acted nicer to you than to anyone else. It took time but now he would let you pet him, rub his tummy, even pick him up.

Seeing him every day only made you more attached, but you didn't mind - helping him come out of his shell would help him get adopted by someone who would love him as much as you did. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't considered taking him home with you, but with your roommate situation, it would never happen.

The only other person that was able to get close with Max was your coworker Peter Parker. He only ever worked weekends, and he usually didn't work full days then either - sometimes he showed up out of breath, like he had run a marathon before showing up, or he'd leave early after begging you to cover for him.

Despite not being there often, he was truly perfect for the job - dogs of all kinds loved him, and he loved them back. Even Max, who took weeks to warm up to you, was perfect around him in just a few shifts.

That was probably one of the many reasons you started to have something a bit stronger than a "crush" on him - seeing him so sweet with all the dogs, especially Max, made your heart skip a beat every time. It didn't help that your coworker was so selfless and kind, and not bad looking, either.

You'd been working with him for about four months when you realized you really, really liked him, despite never seeing him outside of work. The only times you talked outside of work were to switch schedules if necessary. However, you often had breaks together, and it wasn't uncommon to go to a nearby cafe or diner to grab lunch before going back to work.

He had come to know a lot about you, and vice versa - though some days you were sure you didn't know everything about him, especially when he came in with a black eye or small cuts and bruises on his hands and arms. Every once in a while you would fuss over them but he always brushed it off as an accident or just being clumsy.

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