29. Are You Drunk? - Part Two

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A/N: A ton of people asked for a part two, and even though I wrote that imagine like months ago, I decided eh, why not do a part two? Hope you guys like, even though it's hella short! Sorry it's been so long since I updated :((

Warnings: Reader is a hungover messssss lmao, Alcohol Mentions, Underage Drinking Mentions, Language

You knew the second you woke up that you had way too much to drink last night.

Your head was pounding, there was a gross taste in your mouth, and your eyes were sore and itchy which could've been from crying - all signs that you were extremely hung-over.

"What the hell," you mumbled to yourself as you sat up, catching a glimpse of yourself from the mirror on your desk and grimacing. Your hair was a mess on top of everything else, and the bags under your eyes were quite visible, along with the redness in them.

How the hell did you get back to your apartment?

Your eyes scanned around your room for a clue, finally landing on a note on your desk. With some difficulty, you got out of bed and stumbled to the desk, grabbing the paper and reading it.

"Oh, shit," you put your head in your hands, groaning. 

And by the way, I think I'm in love with you too.

Well, you obviously said something stupid to Peter Parker last night. All you remember was being slightly tipsy when you saw him come in with Ned. The sight of him made you immediately fill up your cup again and almost chug it down. 

You had avoided him for weeks since you found out you were in love with the nerd, and if you knew he would show up to the party, you probably wouldn't have come. It was too hard being around him when you knew he didn't feel the same.

But you were already pretty drunk that when you met his brown eyes across the crowd, you couldn't help but grin and go over to him.

That was what you remembered - the rest, you must've been way too intoxicated for. But whatever happened, you must've told Peter you loved him, because he left a note saying he felt the same.

A smile then grew on your face, and it took everything in you not to squeal out loud like a child. Peter loved you back? 

Before you could get too excited, you grabbed some pain killers and took a shower, cleaning up as best you could despite feeling like crap. The medicine kicked in a bit, despite your head still having a light throbbing if you moved too fast.

You were aggressively brushing your teeth when you heard a knock on the door. "Hang on!" You shouted, with your mouth full of water before finishing, rushing to the door.

Peter Parker stood there, his hands shoved in his pockets and a nervous smile on his lips that made your stomach practically fill with butterflies. 

"Hey," he said quickly, moving by you and entering your apartment, causing you to roll your eyes.

"Okay, just come on in, Peter," you scoffed, but you weren't really mad. He shot you a grin that made your heart skip a beat. 

"You look a lot better than I expected you to," he noted, making you roll your eyes. You hopped up onto the counter, grabbing a cup of water.

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