5. Confessions

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A/N: This was a request that I finally got the chance to work on! Hope you guys enjoy :D This is longer than my other ones, which is partially why it took so long, whoops!

Warnings: Language, Death Mention

"Y/N, you paying attention?" Natasha asked, waving a hand in front of your face. You blinked, shaking your head.

"Uh, sorry, what?"

"You alright, kid?" She pursed her lips, "You're never distracted."

You prodded your food, frowning. She was right - you were acting off, but you had reason.

"Tony gave me an assignment," you admitted, causing her to raise a brow.

"That's great! You wanted to get into the field, right?"

"Yeah, but this is different," you sighed, "He wants me to go to high school, Nat. And stalk some kid."


"Exactly," you muttered, rolling your eyes, "I mean, I am sixteen, I am high school age, but I've never gone to one. And..." You took a deep breath, your fists tightening. "My Dad died a few months ago, you guys are the only people I've associated with since Tony took me in. What if they recognize me as Wolverine's daughter, or a now Avenger? How am I supposed to be around people?"

"You're overthinking it, Y/N," Natasha said, a small smile on her face, "You're a good spy. You can go undercover at a high school. No one really knows who you are, much less what you look like. Plus, you're tougher than nails. Being a new student won't be hard for you. Who's the kid, anyway?"

"Peter Parker," you poked at your food again, not exactly hungry. "Remember that spider guy from Berlin?"

Nat tensed, probably not wanting to remember that...situation. "Yeah, I do. He's the Spider-Man?"

You nodded, "He hasn't told anyone, and Tony wants him to stay as a 'neighborhood hero' or something like that. He just wants me to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble, or whatever. So I gotta befriend him so I can keep a better eye on him."

"That doesn't sound too hard," she admitted, taking a sip of her drink, "Just don't fall for him."

You choked on your drink, causing her to laugh at your expression. "That's unlikely," you managed, trying to manage your coughing, "Never gonna happen."

Man, you wish you had been right.

You were undercover for four months. And four months was all it took for Peter to find his way into your heart and fix the hole that had been gaping since your father died.

It was surprisingly easy to befriend Peter. You had been placed next to him in quite a few of your classes, and he was actually the first one to talk to you.

"Hey, Y/N, right?" You glanced to your right to see Peter giving you a small smile, his hand out. "I'm Peter. Peter Parker."

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