33. Excuse My French - Part Four

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A/N: :/ don't hate me also sorry this is so short lol I had issues writing this part 

Warnings: Language, Angst, Death Mentions

You weren't sure where to draw the boundaries between you and Peter.

It was hard to figure out what a friend would do, because you were never really friends with Peter, were you? You had always been something a little more to each other, and now you felt like you had been demoted. And you weren't sure what that meant.

Did friends hold each other's hands for comfort? Did friends get up earlier so they could get their favourite coffees together? Did friends walk each other home, even when they lived on the opposite side of town?

The next day would be weird, you knew that much. You left late that night, telling Peter to call you if he needed anything. The funeral was set for that weekend, and you made sure he knew that your family would be there. And you told him to call Ned, who was worried about him almost as much as you were.

Once you had left his apartment, you finally let yourself break down, the events of the last couple hours crashing down on you hard. You felt like an idiot, sobbing as you walked back to your home, but you ignored the strange looks people gave you. 

Your mother had gotten wind of the news by the time you got home, and had pulled you into her arms the second you opened the door, which of course led you to start crying again.

"Tout ira bien," she said once you had calmed down enough to pull away from her. "Comment est Peter?"

"Peter se passera bien," you muttered, trudging past her so you wouldn't be grilled anymore. 

You were dreading the next day. In fact, you weren't even sure if Peter would come to school. In the state you left him in, you didn't expect him to want to, and you wouldn't blame May for wanting him home too. 

You send Ned a quick text, not going into detail about how messed up Peter was, but enough to where he would know that he needed some support right now.

Ned didn't reply, and you hoped he was talking to Peter. Remembering the look in his eyes when he stared at that photo was killing you, and you really hoped that that look would be gone soon.

Peter didn't come to school the next day. He wasn't by his locker, or yours. You got your things quickly, not wanting to stand around like an idiot.

"Y/N," you heard Ned's voice and you shut your locker, turning to him. 

Before he could say anything, you pulled him into a tight hug, not surprised when Ned hugged you back just as hard. He was always a bit of a hugger.

"It is not fair," you muttered, pulling back to bite your lip. "He does not deserve this. Neither of them do."

Ned nodded, not saying anything. Neither of you were sure how to respond to loss, having never experienced it. It seemed like Peter had too much of it in his life.

"Did you talk to him?" You wiped your eyes a bit, trying to pull yourself together. 

"Yeah," Ned sighed, "He sounds awful. But he said he should be back to school after the funeral."

You nodded, "Good. He needs the time. You will be there?"

"Of course," he mumbled, the bell interrupting whatever he was gonna say next. "Uh, since you have most of your classes with Peter, do you mind grabbing his homework? He asked me to do it, but it might be easier if you did."

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