62. Five Years

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a/n: happy almost valentine's day lovelies :') this is kind of a weird format but it's set on five years of valentine's days - basically going through five years of the reader's relationship with peter! hope you guys enjoy :) my new series should be coming soon by the way ;) there might be one more one shot that I put up before I start on the series!

warnings: brief angst, lots of fluff, language, mentions of drinking, so many cliches (it's valentines day what did you expect)

YEAR ONE: friends

"Why the long face?" your best friend's voice made you smile a little, and you shut your locker to meet Peter's lopsided grin. 

"Just a little sick of all the gross PDA today," you chuckled, nodding your head to the couple a few lockers down that were practically eating each other's faces off. 

He made a face, "Yeah, they're taking it a little too far. But the, uh, other valentine's day stuff doesn't bother you, does it?"

He looked a little giddy, and you had to remind yourself that Peter was kind of a hopeless romantic. You liked that, more than you'd probably admit, but valentine's day kind of sucked when you liked your best friend who seemed to like every person except for you.

Liz, MJ, a few people in between - when was he going to notice you the way you had always noticed him?

"Eh, it's alright," you smiled a little, falling into step with him on your way to class. "The rose thing is cute, I suppose."

He perked up at that, "Yeah, I think so too."

The roses were definitely cringe to some people, but they were a fun way to raise money for school stuff - you could pay a dollar and send a rose to someone in your grade. Yellow meant friendship, pink secret admirer, and red for love. 

You had gotten tons of yellow flowers before - they often came with a note signed from Ned or MJ or Peter, and some of your other friends. Never had you gotten a red or pink one.

So it was a little surprising when a kid came to your second period to drop off the roses, you got more than one color this year.

Your face warmed up when a pink rose and two yellow ones were dropped right on your desk. You heard your friend snicker next to you and you gave MJ a wide eyed look.

"About time," she muttered, shaking her head.

"You know who sent this?" You asked her, raising an eyebrow. She just made a gesture of zipping her lips shut, making you huff in annoyance.

It didn't have a note, which wasn't that surprising - if anyone got a pink rose, which was rare, it was meant to be a secret. Then later in the day the secret admirer would reveal themselves in a cute way. 

For the rest of the day you tried to figure out who it was, but you couldn't. The yellow flowers you got were from Peter and Ned, and MJ had made you all personalized cards that she drew, so she didn't send a flower.

But at the end of the day, you saw your best friend standing by your locker with another pink rose and a wide, hopeful grin on his face.

"You sent it?" You asked with a smile once you reached him, loving the blush forming on his cheeks.

"Yeah, I did," he handed you the rose, his other hand still behind him, "I, uh, really like you, Y/N. I have for a while now, so..."

He trailed off and held up a heart candy box, a note on it with the words reading "Will You Be Mine?" 

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