13. Ex-Friends - Part Four

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A/N: Last part! Hope you guys liked this series. I was toying with the idea of doing maybe a prologue chapter, back before when the reader and Peter were still friends? Anyone want that? Let me know! 

Warnings: HELLA FEELS, Making Out, Language

"Goddamn it," you muttered, staring dejectedly at your empty contacts box. With everything going on, you hadn't thought to check and see if you had extras.

You didn't like your glasses much, but the only thing you could think of was how much Peter liked them. He used to call you adorable when you wore them, obviously meaning it in a friend way, but it made your heart swell whenever he said that. You used to wear them all the time back when you two were friends, just because he liked them.

Over the past months though, you stuck with contacts. You liked them more, and it was ridiculous, but you wore them also to keep the memories of Peter away.

Today, you didn't have a choice but to wear them, otherwise you'd be blind. You pushed them back up your nose and sighed, grabbing your bag and heading for the subway so you could get to school.

It had been a week since you saw Spider-Man, which made you slightly nervous. Had he regretted kissing you again? Or telling you he cared about you? Or maybe he got hurt somewhere and you didn't know, because you didn't know his true identity?

It stressed you out, because you were getting feelings for him that were almost as intense as yours had been for Peter. And that scared you, because you were secretly afraid that Spider-Man might just drop you like Peter did.

Those thoughts consumed you every morning on your way to school, and during school, and after school. 

The only thing that could distract you from them was Peter. He didn't stare as much, but when he did, it was slightly different. Not as sad as before, but more...hopeful? You didn't know exactly what to think of it - after all, you had thought maybe it would end with the confrontation last week.

But every day you walked into first, he gave you the same bright-eyed look, and you avoided his gaze. You wanted so badly to know what the hell he was thinking, but at the same time, you didn't want to know a damn thing.

When you walked into first today, you didn't look at him at all. The glasses made you feel more self-conscious than normal, especially since it had been so long since you wore them.

"Hey, Y/N!" Your friend greeted you in a way more cheerful way than normal. The class already started, so she was talking in a slight whisper. "What's with the glasses?"

"Couldn't find my contacts," you muttered, giving her a look. "What's with you?"

"Guess who asked me to homecoming!" She squealed, pulling out her phone and showing you pics, hiding it slightly so the teacher wouldn't see. The guy she'd been crushing on had showed up to her house with a poster and flowers, and they had a few poses together.

"Congrats!" You gave her a smile, hoping it didn't look too forced. Now you had to go alone, or not at all. Great.

"Well now we have to find you a date," she gushed. "What about-"

There was a loud bang behind you two, causing pretty much the whole class to look back at Peter Parker, who had apparently dropped his book right onto the floor.

He was staring right at you with blushed cheeks before he realized the rest of the class was staring at him.

"Uh, sorry," he apologized to the teacher, who was giving him a glare. 

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