16. Silent Treatment

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A/N: I love this request a lot because I'm also short and relate to this hardcore. Also, just in case some of you guys out there are taller than Peter, I'm going to write one similar to this but it's the opposite - you're tall and make fun of Peter. 

Warnings: Peter's a meanie and teases you about your height, Language Probably

"I just don't get it, Y/N, how did you even see above the wheel to pass the test?" Peter asked, a grin on his lips when you frowned, glaring at him. 

You had only been in the car with him for a minute and he was already making a crack on your height. It wasn't typical, but lately he'd seem to notice how much it pissed you off, and if there was anything Peter loved, it was getting a rise out of you. 

Right now you were giving him a ride home from a study session, this being the first time you drove him since you got your license (not that you didn't do it before, but May and your parents didn't need to know that). 

"I moved the chair up, dumbass," you snapped back, "At least I can drive now, you're still stuck with a permit."

He shrugged, "Whatever. I'm basically older than you if we count in terms of height, I'm 20 and you're like, 10."

"What's up with the height jokes?" You raised an eyebrow, "You're not even tall, Peter."

"I don't think you should be talking about who's short, Y/N," he shot you another smile, "I'm perfectly average."

"Knock it off, Peter," you whined, starting to get annoyed. You knew Peter was a sweetheart and didn't mean any of it to hurt you, but it was actually getting on your nerves quite a bit.

"Just cause you're as small as a baby doesn't mean you have to act like one," he bit his lip to keep from laughing.

Fine, two could play at that game. Nothing annoyed Peter more than when he couldn't get a rise out of you, so you wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

Your grit your teeth and stared forward, gripping the wheel. 

"What, no comeback?" He teased, but you didn't even look at him, just staring at the road ahead.

"Aw, don't be like that, Y/N/N," he whined. You still didn't respond, not even feeling bad when he huffed in frustration. See how he likes being pissed, you thought to yourself giddily as you sneaked a glance to see his bitter expression.

"You won't last," he promised, "I'll get you to talk to me again."

You bit your lip to keep from grinning. So far you had only given in from the silent treatment twice, and usually within an hour of his puppy-dog eyes and begging would get you to cave. But not this time, you decided, not until you got a legit apology from him.

Just to piss him off some more, you turned the radio up, not glancing in his direction as you made the turn onto his street. You could feel him glaring at you but you didn't even look in his direction as you stopped on the curb outside his apartment.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N," he said cheerfully, though you could see that he was annoyed still. "And you'll talk to me!"

You just glanced at him as he got out of your car, only letting out the laugh you were holding in once you pulled away.

The next day Peter was waiting at your locker, and you could tell he was fully prepared to charm you into forgiving him. He didn't realize how determined you were this time.

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