81. Far From Love - Part One

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a/n: no one make fun of me for this cheesy title I am out of creative juices LMAO. also I'm letting you guys know now in case you didn't see my last notif, that updates on this may be slow (no scratch that, they WILL be slow) because not only am I working full time but I am also going back to school soon, and on top of that I'm taking online classes to finish my degree early (fingers crossed!). this means limited free time, which means very very limited writing time. my only "free" days will be weekends, and even then I have piled on homework and extra shifts if I can snag them, because college is expensive. so please be patient and bear with me - updates will be posted as frequently as I can get to them, but keep in mind all these other things I have going on. it's gonna be rough but I've put a lot into this book and my fics in general so I'm not gonna quit on these, I promise :) 

anyway, enjoy this series! I love it a lot and it follows the far from home timeline (hence the title). there will probably be around six or seven parts depending on if I can squeeze all the ffh events in. otherwise you guys might get a longggg series

reminder: requests are closed

warnings: angst, spider bites, sorta? unrequited feelings (you'll see), brief death mentions, maybe some small far from home spoilers (if I still need to warn for that lol)

italics are flashbacks

"We're really excited to open this program to high school students," the woman at the front of the room spoke, shifting her glasses, "You interns will be gaining so much experience from working here at Oscorp, and we hope you are all ready and eager to learn. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

You knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity - you remembered how long you spent grueling over the application, asking multiple people to review your entry essay and qualifications, doing phone interviews and in-person group interviews and finally a last interview with the head of the research labs, before managing to secure the position.

It was hard, but you worked for so long for it, and you couldn't help but be proud that you were one of the five chosen out of who knows how many high school students that applied.

So now you stood with four other eager and smart kids being shown around the labs and having orientation for your first official day at Oscorp Industries. The other kids seemed nice so far, but you knew you weren't going to work with them much. The jobs were mostly individual work or assisting with scientists in other labs, and you were all chosen for a specific section, so you wouldn't be surprised if you didn't see them at all for the rest of your time here.

"We're going to split you all up and send you with your supervisors to tour your specific labs, get to know the people in your groups, and give you your first instructions," the woman continued, gesturing to five researchers standing off to the sides with badges and tablets. "Enjoy your time here at Oscorp, we look forward to having you all."

Everything went quickly from there - you were assigned to a researcher to guide you around and explain your job and tasks. Yours was a younger lady who was excited to have you on board, and seemed very into the work she did.

You weren't too thrilled when she mentioned that you would be starting in the radioactive unit, particularly with the test subjects. There were a lot of non-disclosure forms you had to fill out before accepting the internship position, and now you knew why - it seemed like Oscorp was still doing some research that maybe they didn't want the public to know about.

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