54. Drabbles 2

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a/n: so here are some more tumblr drabbles that I've written! they are not connected unless otherwise stated, and have nothing to do with other fics on here - just much shorter one shots basically. a lot of them were from a prompts list / au night I hosted so I'll specify on which one if they are! I have a new fic to post soon but thought I'd post this since it might be a little while before I post the new series :) or maybe this week I'll post it if I have time. happy early thanksgiving to all my american friends!

reminder: requests are currently CLOSED

warnings: all have language, some have death mentions, some mentions of attempted assault/muggings, some are fluffy and some angsty - it's a good mix

drabble one (fake dating au):

"Hey hey hey hey hey-"

"Oh my god Peter, what?" you laughed as your best friend hugged you from behind while you shut your locker.

"I need a really really really big favor," he turned you around to face him, his lips already forming a tiny pout.

"Peter I'm not covering for you while you ditch again-"

"No, no," he winced a little, "It's not that again."

You frowned at the little guilty look on his face, "What did you do, Peter Parker?"

"Don't be mad..." he trailed off a little. "But I kindatoldMr.StarkIhadagirlfriendandhetoldmeIhadtobringherasmydatetohisweddingandItoldhimitwasyou."

"Peter," you whined, but you couldn't help the skip in your heartbeat at the word "girlfriend". "Why would you do that?"

"I panicked!" He protested, throwing his hands up, "He was making fun of me for never having a real girlfriend so I just said your name!"

"What did you think was gonna happen! We aren't dating!" Even though I wish we were.

"I was hoping maybe we could...fake it?" He gave you a hopeful look. "It would be just for the wedding, that's it I promise. And then he'll probably leave me alone and plus I know you love weddings so...please?"

You groaned in defeat, knowing you were a sucker for weddings. "Fine! But you owe me, dummy."

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He spun you around, making you laugh and smack him until he set you down. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"You better," you smiled a little, hoping you wouldn't regret this.


"Okay, so you remember the plan?" He murmured to you as you both entered the large reception room.

"Remind me again?" You asked in a bit of a teasing tone, ignoring the look he gave you. "It's not a hard plan, Peter. Relax a little."

"Yeah. Relax. Okay." He took a deep breath before taking your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. You tried not to smile too much at the feeling of holding his hand as you two walked through the doors after other guests.

The wedding itself was beautiful - you might have cried a little, despite not knowing Tony Stark or Pepper Potts personally. Peter teased you a little about crying but you had just smacked his arm and told him to shut it.

You knew what would really be the true test was the reception. Peter wanted to go congratulate Tony and Pepper and he was convinced that would be when Tony would pry a little about your relationship. He had tried to get a little plan together to convince him and the other guests that you two were dating, and it seemed pretty solid.

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