22. Moments

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A/N: I'm back!!! I got shocked when I saw this book already had 16k views, thank you guys so much for reading and voting and commenting, it makes me so excited to see this book getting attention! Feel free to send some requests if you wish! 

Thanks for sticking with me even with my little hiatus, hope you guys like this imagine (I made it a fluffy one cause I think I killed some of you guys with the last one lmao rip) It's from the prompts list, sorry it's so short but I couldn't think of anything to add without making it too wordy or awkward ha

Warnings: F L U F F, Language (cause I have no control)

There were certain moments you had with your boyfriend that meant the world to you, even if they were simple exchanges at school, or hanging out at Delmar's for the "best sandwiches in Queens" according to Peter, or even when he stumbled onto your fire escape after a rough night. 

And those moments even included when you bugged him to the point of snapping, because you loved getting a rise of out him almost more than anything, because he could never stay mad at you for long.

"I am really bored, Peter."

Peter let out a groan, as this was the fourth time you'd said that sentence in the last eight minutes. "Y/N, please, we need to study for this test."

He was sitting at his desk with notes spread out all over it, you on his bed only holding a notepad as you tried to focus but found yourself unable to. You crossed your ankles, giving him a look.

"No," you pouted, making him shoot you a glare before turning back to his work, ignoring you. For a minute he actually thought you were gonna give up. 

You started tapping your pencil on your paper, glancing up at him innocently as you saw him clench his fist around his pen, trying to ignore you. Biting your lip to keep from smiling, you continued the tapping, waiting for him to snap. 

"Y/N, knock it off, please," he muttered, writing something down while you just continued.

"Fight me," you replied, watching him tense, sighing through his nose as he rubbed his temple. 

"Sweetheart, please, I'm begging you, stop the tapping," he finally looked at you, but you could tell he wasn't really mad by the playful look in his eyes.

"Get over here and fucking make me," you said, barely glancing up from your paper to see his eyes widen slightly.

"You asked for it," he laughed as he suddenly launched across the room to the bed, making you squeal when he pretty much tackled you onto the bed.

"S-Stop!" You couldn't help but laugh when he ran his hands up and down your sides, knowing exactly how ticklish you were. You really regretted letting it slip a few weeks ago, cause now he could use that against you.

"Are you sorry?" Peter grinned and asked between your giggles, not stopping even as he saw tears in your eyes from laughing so hard.

"Yes! Yes, I-I'm sorry," you managed to say, sighing in relief when he stopped. However he did leave his hands on your waist, his eyes no longer having a playful look but now a lustful one.

"You are so beautiful," he murmured, making a blush raise in your cheeks when he lifted a hand to your hair, moving it from your face. 

"You're beautiful too," you teased, smiling when he chuckled and leaned forward, his hand cupping your cheek as he kissed you softly.

Yep, moments like this were ones you held close to your heart - lazy afternoons where you and Peter could be alone together without worrying about either of your problems. Just his lips moving against yours and making your heart race as you tangled your fingers in his brown curls and he moved his hands up your waist to pull you closer. 

Suddenly he slipped off the edge of the bed and hit his back on the floor, letting out an "oof" when you fell with him, landing on his chest. 

"Nice," you laughed, not able to keep from giggling at his surprised expression, "What happened to those spidey reflexes?"

He rolled his eyes as you went dead-weight on him, resting your head on his chest and shutting your eyes. 

"Whatcha doing?" He asked, his arms encircling your waist in a hug so you wouldn't slip off him.

"Taking a nap," you replied, not opening your eyes when he sighed. 

"Can't you go on the bed to do that, babe?" He mumbled, not really that upset about you sleeping on him, but more so that he needed to study. "I was sorta in the middle of something."

"Well, that's too bad," you tried not to smile, "You're really comfy, Pete."


"Shhhh," you interrupted, "Why don't you take a break? We've been at it for hours."

"I've been at it for hours while you've been complaining," he scoffed, moving a hand to your hair and running his fingers through it, making you smile. "But sure, go ahead and nap, I'll just sit here and be your pillow."

"I knew you loved me," you teased, then tensed when you realized what you said. 

You felt him tense too, and you immediately wanted to take it back. Were you two at the "I love you" stage yet? You knew that you loved him, but you had yet to say it, afraid it might be too early since Peter had yet to say it himself. You had only been dating a few months, and you didn't know when it was normal to say the L-word. 

"I do," he relaxed slightly, making you glance up at his sort of anxious expression. "I do love you, Y/N."

You gave him a bright smile, making his nervousness disappear. "I love you too."

He grinned and kissed you again, any worries he felt that you might not reciprocate dissolving as you responded eagerly, one hand cupping his jaw.

Yes, these were the moments that you really loved Peter Parker.

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