15. Sleep Talking

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A/N: This is literally...the cutest thing I've ever written?? I think?? It'll be a relief from all the angst, that's for sure.

Warnings: Peter is hella cute man

"Yeah! And then he was like 'Underoos!' and I flipped in and stole Cap's shield!"

You felt a smile tug at your lips while your best friend rambled on and on about his adventure in Germany. Truth be told, you loved how excited he got about it, but the only thing you truly cared about was that he came home safe.

Well, mostly safe. He did have a black eye, which you got ice for immediately and made sure he held it to his face during the whole story.

"It was just, it was amazing, Y/N," he finally finished, the dopiest grin on his face as he moved the ice pack away. "I wish you could've been there."

"I don't think I would've liked seeing you get your butt kicked," you teased, moving your hand to his to push the ice pack back on his face. 

"I thought I did pretty good," he mumbled, making you bite your lip to stifle a laugh. He noticed, immediately becoming annoyed.

"Hey, don't laugh at me!" He protested, reaching forward to poke your side, where he knew you were ticklish. You yelped and jumped up away from him, not able to hold in your laughter this time.

"I couldn't help it," you giggled, holding your side, "You looked so grumpy!"

He continued glaring at you until you sat back on the couch next to him, finally settling down. 

"So, he let you keep the suit?" You asked, to which he immediately lightened up, just like you knew he would. Peter could never stay mad at you for very long.

"Yeah, can you believe it? I can't wait to go out again and-"

"Whoa there, tough guy," you protested, "You just got back, and you're all beat up. Take the night off, maybe?"

He gave you a look, "Criminals don't take the night off."

"Pleaseeeeeeee?" You asked, a smile on your lips, "We could watch Star Wars?"

"You'll be the death of me, you know that," he grumbled, as you grinned back at him. "Fine, whatever you want. But only tonight."

"Aw, don't be grumpy, you know you love me," you jumped up from the couch, not noticing him get tense at your words. "Which Star Wars should we watch?"

"Uh, you choose," he said, sitting up on the couch a bit so he could watch you skim your DVD's, knitting your eyebrows and tapping a finger on your chin. 

"How about Empire Strikes Back?" You questioned, glancing at him when he didn't answer to see that he was already staring. "Peter?"

"Oh, uh, sounds great!" He grinned, hoping you didn't notice the blush now tinging his cheeks. 

You gave him a strange look, wondering what was wrong, but decided to pass it off as jet-lag. Grabbing the disk, you put it in the DVD player and snatched up the remote, tossing them toward Peter. 

"Get it playing, I'm gonna grab a blanket!" You headed for your bedroom to grab one off you bed while Peter chuckled, remembering how you were always cold.

The previews started playing once you came back, snuggling to the side of the couch and draping the cover over you, smiling in content.

"You look comfortable," he teased, grinning while you rolled your eyes and opened up the blankets, arms out.

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