73. Sunburn - Part One

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a/n: thank you guys for voting and especially for all the sweet comments on my last update chapter, they made me feel a lot better about the whole thing and you guys really are too good to me. I hope you all enjoy this, I went with the first idea since that's what you all decided when I counted the votes a few days ago :) I might go with the other idea a bit later but I thought it would be weird to do two similar soulmate series back to back, so there will definitely be some other stories in between.

ooh and plot twist this soulmate au also has soulmates that can feel each other's emotions once they find each other, on top of seeing colors when they first meet :) you know just because I love causing unnecessary pain

listen to sunburn by ed sheeran while reading if you want - it's one of my favorites by him and I listened to it while writing and it definitely brought some inspiration (especially for the title cause I'm super uncreative lol)

the timeline got a little messy so pretend liz is a senior and never left (lets just pretend for fun that her dad isn't evil or whatever) and peter/reader and the rest are juniors just so I can make this work lmao

warnings: language, sorta? unrequited feelings, angst

"Apparently she dyed it pink." 

"Pink?" MJ scoffed, "There's no way it's pink."

"Is pink not a normal hair color?" You choked out a laugh, though you were slightly serious in asking the question.

It wasn't your fault you couldn't see color. How were you supposed to know if pink was a normal hair tone? You couldn't see it anyway. You didn't know what it looked like, or what brown or purple or green or any of them looked like. 

"Shut up, I know you can't see color but I also know you at least know what natural hair colors are meant to be," MJ snickered, nudging your arm as you both walked.

"What's it like?" You asked wistfully, though you knew she was probably tired of you asking. 

"I think I need to open a kickstarter for you to find your soulmate cause if you keep asking me that question-"

"I know, I know," you kicked a rock on the sidewalk, frowning, "I'm just getting impatient."

MJ pursed her lips, and you could tell she was holding back from trying to say something comforting. You didn't like being told that the right person would show up when the universe deemed it time - you were just getting tired of watching everyone around you meet their person, while you still remained color blind and lonely.

You were with MJ when she met hers. It was a year ago and MJ was arguing with them about the last available book in a bookshop, some biography about the black panther party, and when they both reached for the book, boom - their worlds burst into color.

It was a sweet moment to witness. You watched MJ smile more and look around the world in awe and fall in love with her soulmate - and that was fine. A year ago you weren't as desperate to meet yours. But then you had to sit while Ned and Betty realized they were soulmates, when Peter started going out with Liz and you put two and two together, even Flash met his (at least, he claimed so, since they didn't go to the same school apparently). 

You were the only one in your friend group left, and it was starting to annoy you.

"I know you don't like hearing this bullshit," you groaned at MJ's words, knowing what was coming, "But they'll come, okay? You'll meet them and it'll be like you didn't even have to wait at all."

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