The Billionaire I fell for

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Chapter 34

Cookie was deep in thought for a long time after arriving at the hotel in the Sydney CBD before she decided to enjoy a nice warm shower to rid her skin of the grime of her flight to Sydney to meet her mother for a unknown reason. Walking into the bathroom, Cookie took off her clothes slowly since she was now heavily pregnant with a few marks on her belly from the skin stretching from her unborn child growing within her belly.

When all get clothes were upon the floor, Cookie gazed at herself in the mirror! Her hands slowly going over her belly gently as her baby kicked inside her, Cookie smiled at each kick the baby gave her, with a sigh Cookie walked over to the polished shower tiles and turned on the cold, then hot water taps a spray of water came flowing out within seconds and Cookie walked in letting the warm water hit her skin and body.

Standing in the shower, Cookie began to wash her body with her new body wash she bought before her slight. She loved the smell of coconuts and Frangipani flowing around the bathroom as she washed cleanly. Cookie lost track of time enjoying the shower spray from the shower head and turned off the taps, stepping out on the now wet tiles on the floor. She grabbed a white plush towel from the rack and wrapped one around her body and another round her head. She knew she had to see her mother tonight even if she didn't wish to see her ever again by the treatment she received from an early age.

Opening up her suitcase, Cookie had a look at the clothes she packed for her short stay. She chose a pair of maternity jeans and a nice blue T-shirt with sneakers. I'm not a dressy type of female. I feel much more comfortable in normal clothes than dressed up wearing Jewels.

The man with no name sat in his car with his other daughter who didn't want to be with him but she had too only because her parents were married! She knew she was born to be a son to this man who happened to be her father, with her sea green eyes she stared at him and all his peculiar jewellery upon his body and his face tattoo of black funny patterns. All her life she went to the best schools money could buy, she knew she was beautiful, everyone told her all the time, her family were rich, she was plastic, and a snob, also she was jealous of this new upstart named Cookie! Who was Cookie? Why am I not enough for my father ? This girl brooded silent at her father while he sat with his silver hair dressed with falling waves down his back. She asked her mother why her father was obsessed with Cookie? The reply back, "Your father has waited for this moment for a while. You see, we knew a child was born to him years ago, but he was unsure of the sex of this child."

So why was I born?

"We had you, Sky, because we needed a son,"

"Yeah, I already knew that Sky said bluntly,"

Her mother ignored her tone and carried on talking, "Sky, you have no idea the journey your father has had with this."

What journey?

I can't tell you, Sky.

Why not if this involves me?

Sky, her mum said, laughing. This does not involve you. Only if you were a boy, then you would understand her mother turning to gaze at her daughters petulant expression.

With a sarcastic reply "I'm so grateful you and dad fucked to make me but failed in having a son". Sky tossed her silky hair angrily.

"No harm done Sky" you are a beautiful girl. Your father is very happy the way you turned out, her mother replied smug smiling up at her."

In disgust, Sky turned, her face away gazing out the car window now in silence.

Coming back from her thoughts, Sky sat in the back seat of the car and wished she could know the big secret kept from her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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