The Billionaire I fell for

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Chapter 8

After sasha gave me the pink rose, my heart thumped in my chest on dangerous territory as I felt scarletts amused glance travel over my red hot skin.

"What" I said turning my scathing eyes in her amused direction?

"Nothing" observed Scarlet cracking up.

"Bugger" Cookie chanted in her head arising from her seat going off not in the mood any more.

People stared when they saw me wander away knowing I was a fraud playing dress ups for my new glamorous friend, I shuddered at the thought of Sasha possessing me body and soul if I let him.

My next best idea was to hide from view so that is exactly what silly old wallflower me did. What I didn't know Sasha saw me hide behind the tree trunk so made his way over to where I hid myself.

My rump was planted firmly on the grass, a glossy mag in my grip reading hiding my face with my wide brimmed hat thinking no one would bother me, I was wrong I gulped.

Not hearing foot steps moving up closer where I sat, my eyes engrossed in reading a survey on sex and the virginal girl, my mouth opened why just reading these view points of people in our world today, gosh I muttered thinking I was on my lonesome.

"Gosh what honey" came a deep sexy voice making my toes curl up behind me?

Gazing up I focusing on the shadowed figure standing before me I blurt out "You" at a loss why Sasha followed me?

"Why did you follow me" I ask suprise in my tone?

His narrowed stare made my heart pump 100 miles a minute and I was sure my face flushed red hearing him chuckle.

"You intriguing me my little thorny rose" he told me causing my body to shiver just hearing those words but I told myself be strong.

I eyed him squarely right in his face scoffing at his answer "oh spare me the gigolo talk" I stood up needing to exit away from his hot, sweaty, sexy body dressed in his polo get up. His firm thights I tried to stop staring at but ignored my warning when he made contact with my goose pimple body. Sasha pulled me near and I sniffed his glorious musky scent mixed with horse and sweat, I swallowed my saliva suddenly very nervous to glance up.

His hand tilted my chin up so he could gaze into my heightened green gaze and I into his deep cornflower blue ones, "Don't hide away from me Cookie" I heard him say whisper soft in my ear, his breath causing me to tremble.

Pulling me near, his hands snuck around my waist our lips inches apart, my mouth opens in shock letting out a gasp and Sasha being a virile man, smashed his strong lips to my soft ones and I tried pushing him away but he was to strong for me and I submitted to his kiss holding onto his broad shoulders for the life of me.

The tree hid us from view, is this why he kissed me because we were out of sight, I wondered when I opened my eyes locking with his deepened one?

A blast of wind blew my wide brimmed hat off and my hair tumbled down from my very elegant chignon Scarlett styled a few hours before. I hung onto Sasha enjoying his mouth on my lips raining little kisses down my neck, I moaned low in my throat the hunger eating me up inside.

Breaking the kiss I heard Sasha say "come home with me and I'll show you love baby" trailing more kisses down my body where my breasts were.

Coming to my senses I pushed him away from me a heaving mess of feelings "No Sasha" I snapped "never will I end up in bed with you go pick a whore who'll let you" moving away from him hearing him say

"You'll be back honey" he taunted me leaning on the tree trunk one hunk of a male I saw under my gaze, the wind blowing his already dark wavy hair around his face. A smirking face I saw causing my blood to boil.

Searching for Scarlett sent me on a wild goose chase around the grounds of her home asking these rich people where I mighy find scarlett?

They looked at me if I was a maniac then laughed moving away I gazed at them mystified why they laughed, shrugging my shoulders I moved inside the house where I saw Scarletts mum drunk out of her mind and I then met her father covering up my eyes I thought "oh my gosh what a sight" seeing him move up to me either high or drunk proposition me into his bed I ran away where Scarlett brought our cases and so stupid me opened the door and I saw with my very own eyes a scene I almost chucked up violently.

Scarlett was......


Okay update for The Billionaire I fell for.

Will fix up mistakes etc when I have time

What did Cookie see?

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