The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 31

Sasha' point of view.

The Wedding.

I was dressed in a black Suit with a gold vest and cravat. My black hair neatly combed back only my eyes showed how I was feeling standing in front of the large mirror in my room. I was angry having to marry Rebecca. Yes I had asked her to marry me before I had met Cookie and now I must go through with marrying her. What a mess I was in marrying someone else I didn't desire or want and wanting a slip of a girl from a shoddy background as my wife!

Life was shit I stood hearing my best man call my name. "Ready Sasha" Louis asked me? No I wasn't ready at all. Ready to run maybe but stand waiting for a woman who left me cold no.

"Coming" I said moving beside his waiting figure. He slapped my back with a wide smile happy I had decided on Rebecca rather than the little orphan Annie.

We moved towards the grounds of my family home. I saw white chairs covered with blush pink covers tied with white ribbons and a long red carpet on the grass. So many chairs I saw lined up. Could I do this I took a large gulp and dabbed my forehead with a silk hanky from the sweat I felt or was the feeling guilt?

I saw Louis' wife Scarlett sitting down talking to someone next to her. She was once Cookie's best friend and roomy. How times change with her marrying Louis just weeks after she started College.

I looked at all the people arriving dressed in their high end clothing from Dolce and Gobana to Dior. How I disliked all the fakeness of these family friends of my parents doing their air kisses to both sides of each others faces. I watched scowling not in the mood for lite chit chat with them. Hundreds of cars were parked on the other side of our pack house. Not some old garbage cars but vintage Rolls Royces to Bentleys had lined up side by side.

Then when all were seated the wedding march started with a woman playing a harp specified by Rebecca who found her in a top wedding planner magazine. Yes Rebecca had to have the in thing in weddings or nothing at all. I turned my body away from the guests and stared at the minister in front of me to calm the nerves I felt seeing Rebecca my bride waltz on down to join as man and wife. Pity Rebecca was not Cookie was my train of thought.

A few minutes later I heard many of the guests gasp and oooh when I imagined the bridesmaids, flower girls and page boys moved on down the red carpet isle. I twisted my head for a peek at who Rebecca chose as her bridal party. My bright blue eyes checked out Rebecca's younger sister's Clarissa and Carmelia dressed in an off the shoulder blush pink full length gown holding an array of peony roses in their hands. The two flower girls threw pink rose petals down the isle from their wicker basket. One was my half sister Lilly and I sent her a small smile when we made eye contact. The other girl I assumed was niece to Rebecca from her older brother Michael. Then the bride I saw Rebecca my soon to be wife holding onto her father's arm ready to walk down to me. I saw her face covered in a lace veil topped with her family diamond and ruby tiara perched on top of her head. My eyes were glued to her gown a simple pure white dress. No bling nothing just a plain one showing her super model figure!

After I saw her I turned away waiting for her to place her hand on mine. I didn't have to wait too long as her father Francis gave her to me. I heard my mother start to tear up in the front row along with other family members. Were they crying with happiness or sadness I was now off the market as a bachelor? I patted Rebecca's hand as we both turned towards the minister for our vows to begin.

The Vows.

"We are gathered here today on this beautiful day to see Sasha D'Allision marry his hearts desire Rebecca."

"I hope no one will be against Sasha and Rebecca marrying here today" I heard him say? In my mind I was protesting yes I am against marrying Rebecca I want Cookie!

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