The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 18

Each night I worked at the restaurant serving American type foods in Australia wearing the tight white T with words in red letters across my boobs and the butt showing tight red shorts I could say were uncomfortable to me but I sucked the distaste I felt about parading around a walking fantasy for the money I earned each week and extra tips I received from male customers, along with a new found friend in Astrid running around frazzled from all the orders coming in. You wouldn't think Astrid worked at a place like this at all, she just didn't seem the type to wanna parade around semi naked in a tight white T and red go go shorts but money talks to anyone I guess when a person is desperate to live.

How can I describe Astrid?

She had brown hair with brown eyes, a smattering of freckles over her nose and wire rimmed glasses kinda like the old Cookie skye.

Astrid was a nice uncomplicated girl very differ from complex Scarlett my ex dorm friend. After I texted to meet her about something serious she never came while I waited at the cosy little cafe drinking a hot chocolate including marshmallows. I was upset, who wouldn't be, left waiting in terrible weather going on outside with thunder, lightening and rain. Louis I knew was part of her dissing me for a reason I still did not understand, I mean I did he told me because I was poor with a drunken family but still his words did not add up?

Suddenly I heard a voice call my name to take another order.

"Coming" I shouted waking up from the trance I was in.

Astrid and I passed each other numerous times carrying a tray full of food and coming back to the kitched piled high with empty drink glasses and plates.

This went on for 3 weeks, classes in the day and work at night. I hadn't been eating very well either feeling the bile rise up my throat when I thought of eating food.

What was wrong with me?

My once sexy curvy body had shrunk so much and I was scared to see a Dr which is why i wanted to speak with Scar. Each morning I woke, I puked in the toilet.

Just hit me now world I moaned bent over the toilet seat wiping sick from my mouth feeling the chill grip my body.

I quickly had a shower before dressing and I felt death warmed up to say the truth, brushing my teeth looking at the reflection of my features in the mirror. Horror dawned on me seeing a calendar stuck on a wall behind me. Oh no I thought calculating when I should have had my monthly bill.

I was 6 weeks late freaking out about know before I told myself you have been having lots of stresses lately with work and classes easing the quiver inside me.

Lets get to class.

Going to classes was now a hassle to me, because of the sickly appearance I showed and tried hard to conceal wearing black jeans and lots of black hoodeys. Sometimes I saw Louis glance at me, a concerned look on his face.

Prick said my glare when I did catch his concerned eye and he turned back into the same guy I remembered after he saw the glare I sent him. Astrid watch on next to me seeing the communication between Louis and I.

I ignored him for the time being not needing crap in the life I now had. Law student by day, waitress by night.

We sat next to each other in class Astrid and I getting to know one another just like Scar and I used to do.
Portia, Sophia and Eve were down the front I saw in every class it was sad they forgot about me and ignored me when Scar left because of Louis. At times I saw them sneak glances with me a pitying one at that.

How I hated pitying looks so I just smirked flipping the 3 girls I partied with the middle finger salute and of course Louis did not like my standing up to his and Scars friends and bitterly ripped me a new butt hole in front of the whole class, I was mortified at his blatant display of favoritism.

Astrid told me to breath and ignore those girls, they're loss she insisted.

I agreed these rich people did deserve each other, all were make believe living in a fairy world.

Right now I needed to speak to Scar but she had been avoiding the texts from me still.

One last text I sent her I begged her please Scar I really need to see you!


Seven weeks later now I was just skin and bone, I could see the outline of my ribs jutting out in the shower every morning, yes my breasts had engorged more and the pink peaks had started turning a brownish colour I tended to ignore what my body was trying to tell me.

If this were a Toyota add the word I'd use is Bugger right now. Yes you could call me a big fool for ignoring the signs in hope my monthlys would arrive.

Every morning I was still sick in the toilet when I awoke, bitterly disappointed at the events now coming to haunt the life I so really wanted me to have, A successful lawyer to help people like me, poor yet smart to achieve a better life. I knew sleeping with Sasha was wrong in the first place, he was a playboy, rich and titled, he could sleep with any girl he snapped his fingers for, but instead slept with poor nerdy me, At times I asked why did he sleep with me when he had a beautiful woman with him at the charity event?, so many questions without answers but life goes on as I lay on the bathroom floor again.

I didn't have breakfast, the smells rolled my stomach day after day, so I skipped.

How could I contact Sasha if I needed him were my thoughts on the way to class carrying the books I needed in a large bag over my shoulder. He hadn't contacted me since our night together or the time I had an interview with him 6 weeks ago. This was a nightmare for me and I thought how would the big shot billionaire take the news I carried inside me growing?, would he run for the hills or carry me away?, Knowing Sasha he'd run for the hills.

At times I cried like crazy at work in the bathroom or in my dorm sitting on the bed sobbing unable to see the reality of being pregnant to an arrogant piece of crap named Sasha.

Strolling to class one day I had just opened the door into class my dizziness returned before I took a seat passing out cold in the aisle.

Mr Wolf came forth pushing past the class surrounding me. He picked me up taking me to the college nurse then left me.

Waking up I moaned low in my throat feeling a bus had run over me. With the night shifts at work and day classes my body was protesting to stop.

Her small kind face smiled down at me "how are you feeling dear?"

"Fine I think" rubbing my blurry eyes?

"Can you sit up?"

"I think so" attempting to before the dizziness returned and I barfed into a bowl she lifted to my mouth.

"Poor dear, I think I know what is wrong with you?"

"Yeah flu" I guessed?

"No dear, her kind eyes stared you might be pregnant?"

", I can't be" touching my body?

I was so in denial with what I needed to deal with.

"When did you last had you're period?"

Let me see I counted down inside my head realising I hadn't had a bleed for over two months oh stop my beating heart.

The nurse took my silence as a yes I maybe carry a child.

"Please when you have the strength Cookie, pee in the jar and we'll do a test okay" patting my hand?

"Okay nurse" I gave her a limp grin In return.

About an hour later of having a milk arrowroot biscuit and weak tea the nurse made me I took the jar to the nearest toilet along the hall and peed in it, screwing the top back on scrunching up my face full of yuck emotions I weed in a small jar. Taking the item back to the nurses room I sat down waiting, when she dipped a stick in my pee.

I was a jumbled mess of nerves sitting waiting for a couple of minutes before I found out the result if I was or was not?

5 minutes had lapsed and the nurse finally pulled the stick out of the pee with the result.

Did I mention I was scared witless?


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