The Billionaire I fell for.

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Chapter 6

The next morning!

"Scarlett I Never Ever Want To Go To That Club Again" disgusted by seeing people explore each other without a care in the world.

Scarlett just mumbled a few words I couldn't understand?

"Fuck Scar, if that's how wealthy people spend their time and money getting their kicks, I don't want to be rich" breathing heavy her chest feeling sore from trying to suck in air.

"Are you listening to me" Cookie asked a slumped Scarlett?

"Mmm" Scarlett commented.

"The club was gross, old men doing young girls with plastic boobs everywhere" I just couldn't stand not mentioning what I saw last night.

"Yuck please tell me scar you don't join in" Cookie questioned full od desperation in her eyes?

Scarlett then lifted her head from under the bed covers.

With a sly smile Scarlett twirls a bit of her hair round her finger "sometimes Cook I do!"

"But Scar why it's deplorable" Cookie said back unable to understand what motivated her roomy?

"My friends join in more but maybe once or twice" Scarlett cringes talking about her exploits to virginal Cookie.

"Ewww" Cookie said her body shaking with revulsion even more drinking her black coffee.

"Don't make me go again okay scar, please" praying in front of her roomy?

Scarletts amused laughter echoed round the dorm room.

"Scouts honour Cook, I'll never invite you again" Scarlett laughs.

"Cool" Cookie replies relived she would never be forced in a sex club or whatever the hell the club was again.

"Crap my classes" I bemoaned gathering my books to class.

"Bye scar, must hurry to my next class" finishing my black coffee, "thanks for talking to me about the club" waving Cookie exits fast wanting the need to get away to the safety of her classes before calamity happened.

"Yeah bye" Scarlett mumbled finally rising from her bed.

Leaving Scarlett drinking her strong black coffee at the table, Scarlett pushed her messy in nots hair out of her face, she could still feel a tingle down below "oh what a good fuck last night" Scarlett thought staring intently into her black coffee liquid gold.

"Oh" Cookie stopped wanting to know details?

"You see what I mean by calamity?"

Scarlett in depth told me her make out tale with a hot sexy man at the club last night.

Scrunching up my nose I needed to ask Scarlett when the polo event was to be held.

"When is the charity polo match" Cookie asks turning around at the door before closing.

"Tomorrow" Scarlett winks "you'll see Sasha again" smiling.

"So what" Cookie trying to show Sasha meant nothing to her?

"Ah ha you know he wants to get you into bed my friend?"

"Yeah sure never in a million years will he get into my pants, he is a jackass" Cookie responded back "stupid rich boys" Cookie said becoming exasperated.

Nodding Scarlett says back "but a handsome jackass and he's not a boy Cook he's a man, a very sexy handsome one" giggling wildly at me.

I flush red.

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