The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 30

6 months later!

I couldn't believe how life worked out for me since leaving Sydney. I hadn't even rang my parents at all since moving up north. I had no more contact with the D'Allison family not even Sasha's sister. I was happy my very pregnant belly had popped out like a big watermelon. The north coast was very humid at times and in my past time I laid back on a lounge chair relaxing in only a bikini top and sarong. The noise of the waves as they crashed against the shoreline I never got sick of ever as I lay a protective hand over my belly. Soon I'll be in Labour I thought scared yet excited to find out my baby's sex. I had seen my midwife at the local town hospital a few days ago and she told me the baby's head had dropped low into my pelvic region. I did feel the baby's head low down when I walked pressing on a nerve which did hurt!

At times I was a bit sad Sasha never once tried to find out where I had fled too when I high tailed my butt outta their lives 6 months ago. Part of me was happy no one did find me whereas the hormonal pregnant part of me did want Sasha to claim me as his. Was this the baby wanting his/her father by my side? This was not a normal baby growing inside me day after day. I was afraid when I gave birth I'd push out a hairy monster child! A pity Sasha had not loved or desired me all that much because soon after I left Sydney a wedding happened.

I had read in the newspaper a few months ago Sasha D'Allison had married his noble fiancé Rebecca a few weeks after I had left. At first I felt crushed inside unable to breathe from all the tears I shed that day. I bought the magazines with all the details in about the happy families on both sides. I saw Sasha unsmiling in all the photo's and I was happy he felt miserable marrying someone just because they had the right connection's and breeding. I placed the papers and magazines in a hidden area for the time I could show our son or daughter at the right time. For now I just watched life go by waiting for the cramps to come.

Later on in the day I called my parents to tell them what exactly? I had no idea but I needed to call them and let them know I was still around just not in Sydney any more. I dialed my mobile hearing the dial tone and my mother picked up her tone of voice groggy (must have been drinking I assumed!?) "Hi mum, I murmured down the phone to her Cookie, where have you been girl?"

I tried getting a few words in the conversation only ma took control ordering me to tell me where I was living? "Ah um mum, I cannot say where I'm living for the sake of my safety."

"Safety." I heard her screech at me down the phone!

"No need to yell" I said rubbing my now sore eardrum!

"Cookie Skye, don't tell me not to yell I am your mother I have every right to shout!"

"Okay, okay all I can let you know I am safe and sound doing my law degree by correspondence where I'm living."

"And where is that I heard my mum say?"

"Mum, I don't want to say please."

"Fine" I heard her sniff at me "be like that but you must come home now I have some news to tell you."

"News" I questioned raising an eyebrow at her edgy tone?

"Your father has died Cookie" I heard a sob in her voice when she told me and I dropped the phone on the ground shell shocked he was dead!

"Is this some joke mum" I questioned unsure if she was lying?

"No Cookie, she said he died 8 weeks ago and I rang the college you were at and the young teacher you had said he had not seen you in 4 months?"

"He did, did he" I commented suddenly sick to my stomach. "Did he ask you where I was mum?"

"Yes Cookie he did. He said they were all concerned for your welfare."

I bet they all were I gritted my teeth listening to my mum go on with her tirade.

"Can you come home please Cookie?"

I rubbed my head starting to get a headache. "I don't know mum if I can I now have a new life here and.....?"

"Please Cookie I need to let you into a secret I need to see you urgently!"

If I could bang my head into a wall I would. Arguing with mum would not get me any where. I knew I must pack my bags and go see her for a day or so. One thought I had is how can I hide my watermelon belly from her eyes?

"Okay mum, you win I'll call you when I arrive."

"Thank you baby I heard her cry."

I just hope Sasha and his race do not scent me or the baby. First thing I must do I write a message and send it to my lawyers office if anything happened to me when I travelled to Sydney.

I ended the call with a yes I will travel to see you mum and hung up feeling nervous.

First things first I opened up the laptop for the Virgin website to click on the flight I wanted for sydney. I saw the time I wanted which was 8:30pm tonight so I should get packing I had a flight to catch. I arose moving inside my quaint little beach shack I lived in for the bedroom. Throwing a bag on the bed I grabbed my toiletries first, clothing next and zipped up the bag. I was ready with my bagage now I had to wait until it was time to call a cab for the Airport.

Life was throwing me lemons and I did not like being in the dark at all.

What was this secret ma wanted to tell me? I had no clue.


Yes Cookie is traveling back to Sydney. What is going to happen?

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