The Billionaire I fell for.

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Chapter 5

They cruised in Scarlett's red Porsche speeding down the road enjoying the feel of wind through their hair.

Portia dressed in a hot mini leant over to the hot guy in the car opposite at the set of lights giving him a hot spontaneous kiss and her number before breaking away to fix her lipstick smirking.

Eve made a gagging sound in her throat causing me to laugh out loud.

Cookie sat silent, the others yahooed loud causing a commotion when they parked the hot red porshe outside the VIP club area.

Cookie wearing low cut black disco pants and a sequinned gold top plunging down low showing off her delectable assets again on show.

This time Cookie had her long luxurious hair hanging lose flickering in the breeze.

The other three girls with Scarlett should have worn nothing because their dresses showed more a*** than class in my minds eye.

Let go raise some hell Scarlett screamed in rebellion mode.

Who was to argue with her war cry?

Why do girls from rich families think dressing trashy all of a sudden makes you sexy as sin?

Rolling her eyes Cookie smooths her sweaty hands over her long silky black trousers, just as Scarlett grabs her hand ready Cook ever the concerned friend?

Breathing in deep "ready when you are I suppose" my voice seemed off dreading the next meeting with dreamboat.

"Don't be sad Cook" Scarlett told me drapping a red glinting fingernailed hand on my shoulder, "Chin up and have fun."

"C'mon girls lets go party and paint the town red" giggling only Scarlett De Witt style.

We breezed on in 5 it girls......stop what am I saying 4 it girls I'm just tagging along because Scar happened to be my roomy reminding myself glumly.

The music was pumping, girls and guys danced close grinding themselves up against each other in a sickening turn off.

Cookie turned her nose up, not really liking the display of sex while dancing out in the open.

Scarlett dragged me over to some other girls, her friends from private girls school St Marys girls grammer school and I saw them all hug one another.

Sophia, Eve and Portia were also brought into a friendly hug, while I stood a shag on a rock the odd one out.

"Hey guys" Scarlett cried "meet my roomy Cookie" she told them all and they dragged me to into a bold hug and I felt wanted in a group.

My eyes glanced at others in the rowdy club dissecting them like they were science projects.

Some people were snorting drugs in view of others, sitting hunched over holding one nostril and snorting the powder down in the other before wiping their nose.

One young girl cookie saw from the corner of her eye was making out with the batman against the door raising her eyebrows in disbelief at no decency here inside this club.

"Um scar what type of club are we at?"

Scarlett smiles "a nightclub for the wealthy honey."

"Only VIP entry."

"You're a VIP" cookie wanting to know?

"Yep because of my parents, they have membership which passed on to my brother and I when we came of age."

"Isn't this club far-out girls" Scarlett chortles?

"Yeah ape shit Scarlett" they repeat like robots.

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