The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 23

Once I arrived back at my dorm I collapsed and cried a million tears, Sasha did not believe a word I said about me carrying his child and I was angry at Louis for telling Sasha I was a whore and gold digger.

I can say this I am no whore or gold digger and why was this scent so important to these two men?

I walked over to my laptop I needed to find out where Sasha' sister lived so I may talk to her about her dumb arse brother and why did he hate women who were poor?

I turned the laptop on waiting for it to warm up and I clicked straight to the Internet typing Nikkita D'Allison in the browser and waiting for a list of matches to download. After a minute I found heaps of matches about Nikkita and I clicked on one which told me all about her life from a young child to adult. I was glued to the computer screen reading about her youth, Nikkita grew up in Russia with her Russian mother after her parents divorced and Sasha I learnt grew up in England with his titled family. Reading on I found Nikkita went to the very exclusive girls boarding school in England after going to a strick Russian orthodox school in Russia. This website also told me the exclusive boys schools Sasha went to from prep. I smiled when I saw a youthful photo of both of them down the bottom of the web page looking so not glamorous and hot. Sasha in the photo was smiling at the camera with his sister Nikkita poking her tongue out. I found out after the parents divorced which was a bitter one the fun left and the father remarried his mistress who was pregnant at the time. Oh dear!

The mother was bitter and left England for her country Russia, taking daughter Nikkita with her but leaving her son and heir Sasha to pick up the pieces.

Sliding down the website I saw another photo of them in their teenage years, Sasha was scowling a dark gaze and very handsome in his school blazer while Nikkita was dressed as a punk, her bright red hair spiky and don't fuck with me attitude made me giggle enjoying these snippets of info.

After a while I clicked onto another website about Nikkita D'Allison aged 24 was an in demand fashion designer, who had worked with the late Felix Morro as a teenager. Clicking on the link I saw her websire full of beautiful clothing and her bright face staring back at me also down below was a number and address. I fell back against the chair contemplating if I should call her to meet up about my small problem of pregnancy. I was scared she may brush me off when I do call and I really have a lot to take in. After a while I made a decision and wrote her address and phone number down to call later I suppose?

At this moment in time I was in a snooping mood and typed in Sasha' name and like his sister millions of sites came up.

Sasha and supermodel Alexia are dating another was Sasha and father out mingling at a charity event and on it went. I clicked on images and I saw all the beavy of beauties vying for his attention in every photo I saw of his numerous lady friends but one stood out more when I saw a newspaper item Sasha D'Allison engaged to the Hon Rebecca Alwood: the happy couple are seen at a charity event on the 4th August so in love I read in shock. The 4th August was 1 week ago.

Switching off the computer I rubbed my sore tired eyes now I knew why Sasha rebuked me at the restaurant he was an engaged man the swine I thought. How could a man sleep with another woman when he was taken by another?, men confused me to another level I did not deserve, I admit I was stupid thinking Sasha and I had a future together when did a girl from the wrong side get her man?

I knew when I became successful I would get the rich handsome man of my dreams but until then I was nerdy smart Cookie Skye. No longer the virgin nerd but one up the duff!

From now on I knew I must take charge of what I wanted first and foremost was study and I needed to pass the exams coming up and then I'd have a different teacher thank the lord.

Gazing down at my watch I hurried to class I was not backing down this time and would fuck Louis off because now I was a different Cookie I was terminator one ready to knock down the walls coming up. No more I was taking control of the car and I was in the drivers seat. No more nice gal.

I finally got to class seeing Louis down the front I ignored him banging down my bag in a pissed off mood from a an hour ago. Louis called my name "Miss Skye please refrain from interrupting the class" I sent him a death glare before taking a seat.

"What are we doing" I whispered to Astrid sitting peaceful next to me?

"Unsolved cases" she said back.

"Cool" I smiled opening the laptop getting to work!.


Chapter done

I have just the case to write about its a family one that is unsolved to this day a 1928 murder! But I'll change the names etc.

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