The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 26

"What now mother" came his indifferent tone towards his mother calling out his name when his tall impossing figure came into view?

From what I saw from behind his sister, an harrassed looking Sasha came out of the room, his hair messy looking like he and his intended had done the humpy moments before I had arrived with his sister.

He hadn't seen me yet, boy luck was finally on my side as I hid behind Nikkita, only his mother with her face flushed an alarming shade of red turned to glower at him coming into view. "Sasha care to enlighten your mother on a certain young lady carrying you're DNA inside her" came her frosty reply when he was half way over where we were?

His face literally became a blank state staring at his glamorous mother as if she had gone bonkers.

"Mother, who on earth are you refuring too, no woman carries a child of mine, I am sure of it...." he first saw his sister Nikkita and I stood behind her scared for my life. Bile started to rise at the back of my throat when his gaze captured mine. His tone trailed off when he saw me behind his sister and gave a sudden snarl warning me I was soon to pay the consequences of coming here.

Mother Mary I cursed inside how could I be such a stupid twit, thinking for the life of me arriving with his sister Nikkita would simplify our problem growing inside of me each day! I held back a sob not really wanting to hear his heart ripping words directed at me.

I never waited to find out, I took of in sprint out of the foyer, through the door and onto the long driveway, I heard Nikkita call out my name, no way was I turning around I knew coming was a big mistake. I kept cursing at myself for wanting a better life when I knew life was a fragile flower that could break a person in two.

I ran away huffing and puffing nearly falling over in my haste to get away. If only I was successful in getting away I'd be a winner. Only I knew life at this point was not on my side or was it ever?

I never heard the plod of feet coming up after me, I was in to much of a pickle of running for the life of me away from the meanest brute alive, until I was tackled from behind by someone very capable and strong smelling of musk and vanilla. Falling face down on the grass I screamed loudly trying to push them off me as I scrambled away or tried to, a hand reached out clamping around my ankle stopping me from running again.

"Let go of me" I screamed blue murder needing to disappear.

"No" came the familiar tone of the one and only Sasha the mean!

He pulled me towards him roughly until I lay under him on the grass from the tackle. We were both breathing heavily as we stared down each other me in fear him in anger. "You will not disobey me" he ordered holding onto my wrists pinned down to stop me struggling.

"Who are you I argued vigorously the king?"

"No I'm the big bad wolf" he growled down at me!

"Why are you here" he demanded?

"Do I really need to spell it out" I protested gazing up into his alluring blue gaze?

With our bodies pressed against each other Sasha lowered his face towards mine "Tell me now Cookie."

"I...I..I um not really" I stammered afraid he may kill me and no one would know or care!

"Stop mumbling Cookie" he ordered making me even more frightened of his tight facial features. His eyes connected with mine after a deathly silence and he saw how afraid I really was.

"I'll ask again, why are you here" this time his tone was softer?

"You're sister made me come" I said begrudgingly to his hardened face?

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