The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 28

I don't know how long I was out for when I felt my head lying on something soft. I opened up my eyes slowly as the light from the room hurt them while I adjusted them. "Ah you're awake at long last" smiled the dr, concern written on his open face scrutinizing me.

I tried to sit up only to moan feeling dizzy all over again. "Please Cookie lay back down until you feel better" he mentioned standing by my side his fingers taking my pulse to make sure I was okay. I laid back down searching for Sasha only to find him not in the room with us.

"Where is Sasha" I softly asked the Dr by my side? "Don't worry my dear Sasha had a call when you passed out after the blood test I gave you. He'll be back soon." I nodded my head assured he hadn't left me here with a person (even though he was a dr) I didn't know him from a bar of soap.

10 minutes passed and still no sign of Sasha I continued to fume inside. How can someone just leave you here in an unknown place? Sasha that's who! I know this little thing inside me wasn't planned but did Sasha have to run away everytime? Pity we weren't in love when we made this baby inside me I laid my hand on my still flat stomach muttering a few curse words about Sasha. The dr had left me alone to make some important calls in another room he told me shutting the door after himself.

"Hi there baby." I continued to talk like an idiot to my stomach. "I have no idea what Sasha, your father feels about us. He is a very confusing young man with many secrets he is hiding from me and I hope he will tell me eventually" I let out a long unhappy sigh knowing full well Sasha would hide his true self from me.

Rubbing my eyes I knew he had broken off his engagement to Rebecca the noble daughter and model whom he cared for alot I saw watching him with her. I just didn't get why he kissed me all the time? I was not a classic beautiful at all like Rebecca. She was what Sasha needed in a perfect wife, only he met me and yeah now I'm here waiting alone! Does that say something to you? Yeah I'll always be second best.

I looked down at my cheap watch on my wrist to see 20 minutes had past. I was holding onto my temper very well might I add. I had waited long enough I sat up slowly making sure I didn't feel dizzy and was happy when I didn't. Swinging my legs to the side I averted my eyes from the bandaid on my right arm taking a deep breath I slid off the narrow bed landing gently on the floor. Pushing my golden blond hair back off my face I opened the door and looked to see if the place was empty. It was! Boy was I angry right now I could murder him for upping and leaving me for a call. Who called Sasha I wondered? Taking little steps down the bland corridor of the cottage.

Just then the dr came out of his office setting his eyes on me. "Ahh you're up Cookie he replied studying me carefully do you want to wait here for Sasha?"

"Not really I said a little frosty if you could call me a cab so I can leave now. I'm very tired?"

"Of course dear I'll ring now". He pulled his phone out and called a cab for me and I thanked him burning inside because Sasha had treated me shabbily.

I sat down waiting for a cab to pull up to take me home? I wish with all my heart I just could leave without a backward glance at everyone. Only I was not thinking about me I had another person to consider. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the white colour of a car pull up in front of the cottage. I stood up picking up my handbag slinging it over my shoulder moving towards the door. I opened the door walking out and getting inside the cab. I told the driver Sasha's family address when I really wanted to say my own one.

I can only say when I did arrive boy was Sasha going to get a few slaps from me and maybe even a few kicks to his balls! I sat in the back seat of the cab thinking of ways I could make his life a misery only I was not that type of girl! I was too nice.

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