The Billionaire I fell for

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Chapter 9

"Omg Scarlett" burst forth from my painted red lips now smudged from Sasha mouth on mine a few minutes ago.

Why did I open the blasted door mega embarrassed?

I covered my eyes concealing my gaze from my friend when I saw her below our college teacher Mr Wolf thrusting his body on top of her moaning one.

"Cookie" scarlett replied pushing Mr Wolf of her body and pulling up the sheet.

"You can take away your hand now Cookie" I heard Scarlett's amused voice we are decent.

Taking away my hand from my eyes, I blinked not once but twice unable to believe what I was seeing. How did Mr Wolf know Scarlett when she never went to any of his classes?

Cookie glanced over at her buff college teacher now snuggling up to her dorm friend an arrogant smile on his 5 o'clock shadowed face.

"Scar I asked her how do you know Mr Wolf?"

"Promise you will not tell a soul Cook" said Scarlett impish?

"Scouts honour" I replied concerned?

Then I happened to notice a strange mark on my friends neck and I moved forward to get a better look.

"Scar I comment why do you have a mark on your neck" I questioned even more worried?

She laughed shrugging my question off like the rich party girl I knew her to be.

"Just a simple hicky from Mr Wolf here" Scarlett told me running her fingers up and down his broad chest I saw.

Mr Wolf Saw my face flame with embarassment watching her finger nails run down his naked chest "whats the matter cupcake he asked smug?"

"Nothing" I gulped down my problem with the two of them having sex.

"Can you please tell me what is on your neck please Scar" I begged?

"Tell her" insisted Mr Wolf a sly pointed look on his face.

"Cookie he marked me" Scarlett said bemused.

"Marked you" I said not knowing what my friend meant?

"Yeah marked me Scarlett rolled her eyes at me with his teeth."

"He must have strange teeth Scar" I observed the tattoo mark on her neck.

"Weeeeelllllll Scarlett said I am his fiancé Cookie!"

"Ho.......w can that be you've never met before" I protested?

"Cookie he was in Sasha's team today didn't you not see Louis?"

"Um no I guess I had other things on my mind" lowering my head.

Scarlett then whispered in Louis or Mr Wolf's ear and I heard her say Sasha!

"Did you find Sasha" Cookie?

"I did" nodding my head.

Clapping her hands happy Scarlett sat up in the bed forgetting the sheet covering her naked breasts from my innocent eyes.

"Tell me what happened Cook" patting the bed where Louis or Mr Wolf lounged relaxed.

My feet pulled me over and I plonked myself on the edge of the bed.

"Sasha kissed you didn't he Cook" Scarlett replied noticing my smudge lipstick over my lips?

"Oh yes Sasha did" I heard my voice ring out upset.

"Honey Sasha has it bad for you" giggling heaps.

"How do you know" Cookie asked?

"Ask Louis here" pointing to the naked man in bed next to her.

"Why" I pointed out flustered?

"Louis is Sasha's best pal silly" Scarlett let me know.

Louis moved closer to Scarlett turning her face around bending his head claiming her lips hungrily.

"Um I'll just go shall I?"

"We'll be finished in a few minutes" Scarlett said giggling when Louis pulled her down flat on the bed going down on my friend. I ran out so fast slamming the door you could have heard my heavy breathing.

So I went back down the stairs shaking my head unable to get Scarlett and Mr Wolf in bed out of my mind.

Now on the front porch the sunset had begun and I still needed to change into my new gown for tonights event.

Moving forward I neared the beautiful spring flowers in bloom sniffing them before a hand snaked around my waist.

Turning my head "Sasha" I said in fright searching his face.

"Hi honey thought you'd be getting ready by now?"

"Yeah I would have but Scarlett has company."

His deep laughter filled my empty soul "Mmm does that mean Scarlett is with Louis he questioned me?"

"Yes" I gulped down my fear of wanting Sasha to love me the kind Scarlett let Louis do with her.

"Need a hug Cook" he eyed me full of emotion?

Opened mouthed I said "yes" before jumping into his strong arms wrapping around my cold body in comfort.

"There, there princess" he said stroking my hair before holding my face with his hands capturing my lips and I let him.

"Sasha" a voice called out and I saw a female wandering the grounds searching for him and Sasha broke our kiss leaving me alone for the other woman.

Without so much as a backward glance, Sasha went off with her and I let my tears fall for being such a stupid girl whom always thought love could exist between different world's.

I wanted to call out his name, but my throat was so choked up with giant sobs, I let him and the woman disappear from my view inside Scarletts family home.

How wrong was I!


Poor Cookie.

And who is the other woman?

What is Mr Louis Wolf?

Any guesses?

Plus he is Scarletts fiancé and Sasha's friend!

Sasha in the picture above.

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